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Gone fishing - fandom/loose celeb/pb edition [10 Oct 2019|12:18am]
Cherik/Michael and James

Destiel/Jensen and Misha (or Jared just not wincest, not my cup of tea)

Johnlock/Benedict and Martin (Maybe toss in a Richard for Martin)

Spirk/Chris and Zach

Sterek/Dylan and Tyler

Willing to have a go at any of the above mentioned...

or any other stupid generic celeb type (pb optional) pairing, and if I don't know them but you can send me gifs or videos of them being cute together I will mostly likely ship it and write it with you.

Open to lots of random fun AUs for fandom or just world building for PB if you've got an itch that I can scratch. Celeb ideas would be con tours, promo things, random nights surrounding award shows, etc.
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[10 Oct 2019|02:36pm]
seeking a line between peter dinklage (50, 4'4") and olivier richters (30, 7'2"). i'll play either, with either as top/btm/vers. open to a father/son element (kink or incest), pure smut is fine and open to any genre for a smut/plot mix.
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