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[09 Oct 2019|10:28am]
i know he's turned out to be a really bad guy, but i'm still a fan of his and will always support him. would i be able to get something slash for him? not picky on faces, but someone older would be fun!
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[09 Oct 2019|12:04pm]
would someone be willing to play another rocker against benji madden? i'm thinking matt sanders, zacky baker, jacoby shaddix, someone that would be fun against the madden brother! i'm open to other faces
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[09 Oct 2019|04:10pm]
#iHunt: Kill monsters, get cash )
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[09 Oct 2019|04:53pm]
[info]sunset an ex from when he was living in Florida that shows up in LA and maybe still has feelings for him to make things complicated.
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[09 Oct 2019|06:59pm]
Literally anything for Steve Harrington. Billy would make my day but anything else. At all. Somebody love this idiot.
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[09 Oct 2019|08:32pm]
looking to fill a psl. looking to fill psls. casual writer. comment with psl ideas or if you're interested in mine. comments screened. no extreme kink but must be adult-scene friendly.
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[ viewing | October 9th, 2019 ]
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