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[05 Sep 2019|06:43am]
Looking for some lines to bring to [info]mythicize for my queer little baby Dionysus here. Get over here, dieties and angels and demons alike.
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[05 Sep 2019|10:29am]
Who wants Adore? Celeb/OC, either is good!

Sorry for the x-posting.
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[05 Sep 2019|09:32pm]
I have recently found myself binge watching several different super hero/natural/powers type shows and movies (IE The Boys, The Umbrella Academy, & X-Men) and think some kind of line in any of those verses would be a lot of fun. I'm down for something canon or OC's in any of the worlds.

Maybe in The Boys with Madelyn dead, Homelander finally goes off his rocker? Or more subtle as The Deep adjusts to life in Ohio and meets someone? (I have a weakness for the damaged ones >.> ).

I shamefully am on the Cherik train for Xmen because they practically slash themselves. Or open to OC's.

PLEASE NOTE: I ONLY KNOW THE SHOWS/MOVIES. I am unfamiliar with the comic/verses of any of the shows/movies.

Would love to discuss something :)

Slash only
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