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[04 Sep 2019|05:41am]
lines for a cboy florian macek?
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[04 Sep 2019|06:51am]
Looking for some lines. Kinks are in the journal!
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[04 Sep 2019|03:40pm]
[info]uamod looking for tons of characters. Brand new, active community with talented writers and no drama. Looking for Luther, Allison, Ben, and Vanya, Hazel and Cha-Cha, etc from The Umbrella Academy. Sam and Dean from Supernatural. Buffy, Angel, Spike, etc. Members of the MCU, Natasha is here and would love some company! X-Men, we have some of your team and would be stoked for more! "The Boys", characters from The Watchmen, Doctor Who, The 100, Carnival Row, etc would all be welcomed and embraced.

Panfandom game set in the Umbrella Academy universe. Lots of threads, plots, and activity for all. Easy requirements and super fun environment. No OOC cliques or drama. Put in your holds and come play with us!
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[04 Sep 2019|04:19pm]
looking for an active, lasting, gradually building celeb slash line to take to a community for adore delano, troye sivan or aquaria - screened post in journal for privacy
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[04 Sep 2019|05:26pm]
Searching for an ABO line that will actually last. Equal parts smut and plot.
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[04 Sep 2019|06:59pm]
Would anybody be interested in an AUish slice of life type line for him? I do have a few ideas, but would want something with a focus on writing, with some extras like playlists or chatting via discord. I’d prefer somebody within in his general age range, but we can discuss particulars! I was thinking maybe somebody like Oscar Isaac or similar, so leave who you play and I’ll get back to you!
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[04 Sep 2019|09:02pm]
Who wouldn't want to have this face singing to him?

I've got him over @ [info]causeway
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[ viewing | September 4th, 2019 ]
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