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[14 Aug 2019|11:48am]
Everyone probably knows the movie to this but I’d love to turn this into a slash line changing up a few details.

A couple is close to getting married when a terrible incident or accident leaves one of them without memory. At least including the past 5 years. He doesn’t remember his boyfriend or anything that they went through together. He does not remember his homophobic family or the fact his twin brother no longer talks to him. But as he wakes up in the hospital, they all rush to his side – seeing this as a chance to get him “back on the right path”. While on the other side there’s his loving boyfriend trying to help him remember and maybe even fall in love with him all over again.

I am looking for the boyfriend, open to most faces. I only write private lines, no communities.
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[14 Aug 2019|01:02pm]
[info]incestmod - his eldest child (late 20s/30), one to two other children - check for ages please as he has some already in game, one to two siblings, he's 50 and the eldest.
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[14 Aug 2019|03:20pm]
[info]newamsterdam I'd love to get his bff in game. They've known each other FOREVER. Dated for a while on college so he'll need to be 60ish. 8 have pb ideas but not really picky
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[14 Aug 2019|04:50pm]
Seeking anyone who won't ghost on the line after a few tags. I also don't want a scene to take months to complete. I'm a steady, reliable quality tagger seeking the same. I understand real life comes up but if you can only tag once a week, I'm not the partner for you.

I'm into everything from dystopian to urban fantasy to supernatural to slice-of-life with a twist of lime. I heavily prefer slash. I have 20 years' experience RPing. Very high limits, prefer not to FTB.

If you're interested, let's do something. Custom or DM me. :)
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[14 Aug 2019|11:50pm]
i'm looking for anyone out there who would like to plot an active pb based psl(or even a gpsl perhaps) with me. i'd like something that won't die in a week and could include texting/customs as well as a good amount of writing. i have a lot more info in this journal so if you're interested check it out and shoot me a comment!
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