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[13 Aug 2019|12:58am]
Incest gpsl now open for holds.
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[13 Aug 2019|06:30am]
looking for a long term slash line, anyone interested in brainstorming something?
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[13 Aug 2019|07:23am]
does anyone play a brian kinney type character anymore from queer as folk or would be willing?
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[13 Aug 2019|02:33pm]
Due to an accident, Teddy is confined to a wheelchair. It's only temporary but he can still be quite a handful. He's not letting that stop himself though. It makes dating kind of hard though and he used to be a player.

He's into guys only.

I'd love to find a guy for him for a psl that shows him he's still lovable and being in a relationship doesn't hurt either.
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[13 Aug 2019|03:26pm]
looking for some psls. would especially love a dom or alpha for him but open to a lot of different kinds of plots.
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[13 Aug 2019|03:30pm]
looking for some psls! open to slash and femme. there are some ideas in the journal but open to brainstorming. there are some open scenes in the journal as well for those who just like jumping right in.
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Open discussion – slash communities/games [13 Aug 2019|04:54pm]
Ok, so there’s been a few slash based games pop up in the last few months, and, predictably, the majority of them died before they even got off the ground. As someone who loves her PSLs (some of which I’ve had going for years!) but also really adores the larger world-building of a game, I find this so frustrating.

So I thought this might be a good time to have a chat, and I’d love some opinions and to get a discussion going to see what could make a game more sustainable.

I guess my biggest question is, as players, what do you think makes or breaks a game?

More under this handy cut )
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[13 Aug 2019|09:47pm]
Looking for PSLs! Hoping to find some slash lines playing canon characters involved in situations with enemies/antagonists, with a healthy amount of kink. Information on fandoms, characters, and kinks in the journal. But very open to discussing other ideas/fandoms, so drop me a custom if interested.
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Dom/sub line [13 Aug 2019|11:24pm]
Looking for someone interested in writing a Dom/sub line where you play the Dom. I know everyone wants to be the sub, but I've played a Dom always and want to play the other side. Looking for someone mature and who knows or will research the lifestyle, someone open to TPE (total power exchange) and other aspects. Not seeking a smut centric line.

If interested leave a comment here or in my journal. Comments screened in both places.
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