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[28 Jul 2019|08:16am]
Looking for a dystopian cboy line. Click for details! There are two different scenarios, one a bit more tame than the other. I will write either the cboy or other guy. Mpeg requisite, please.

Comment here or on my screened post if you're interested!
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[28 Jul 2019|05:01pm]
where the wild things are
[info]lykoscity a character-driven supernatural shifter town roleplay set in an alternative A/B/O universe.

The premise drops the writer into a world where humanity has never existed. So, what took our place? Shapeshifters.

Lykos City is focused primarily on the characterization, city life and pack dynamics therein.

Members will be encouraged to participate through interactions, events and small tasks offered by the mods.

Now taking holds. Will open on August 1.
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[28 Jul 2019|05:17pm]
My kingdom for an Alpha for this Omega. He's super friendly and only bites when asked...
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[ viewing | July 28th, 2019 ]
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