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[27 Jul 2019|09:31am]
Looking for a couple solid slash lines. There are a few ideas here included, but not limited to modern royalty, Marvel (Stucky, tbh), HP OC. But really, I'm just interested in developing characters and writing and that's not the be and end all of what I'm willing or eager to write

I also wouldn't mind writing some slash with the faces of Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan (PB obviously) if anyone else is down to go the cliche route. Comment here or in my journal!
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Comments screened [27 Jul 2019|12:21pm]
Any Marvel people want an Iron Fist?

Any GoT people want a Theon?

Any Marvel people want a 616 Clint Barton or Barney Barton?

I'm up for anything, really.
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[27 Jul 2019|01:35pm]
anyone down to pbing david duchovny for me? psl or comm, i don't really care, as long as the emphasis is on threading and we do all the rp on journals (other channels for OOC talk, e.g. discord, is fine with me).

i like plot and smut isn't necessary, but i prefer writing tops in smut and don't switch. i'm also open to other PBs-- i just want anyone older than joel mchale, frankly. the x-files and the concept of playing a younger partner in an age gap line where they're both definitely adults just gets to me. as for plots, i like all the good ol' romcom cliches, but a healthy dose of angst is always fun, and i'm always down to making/playing side-characters to beef up a line.

finally, i do work full-time and have an odd timezone so i can't promise being super speedy with tags, but i'll hit you up at least once a day for threads and can respond to OOC stuff fairly quickly.

comments screened! thanks.
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[27 Jul 2019|05:35pm]
A top Ed O'Neill pb for him? smut + plot
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[27 Jul 2019|07:46pm]
Looking for some slash lines. There's a post in my journal with ideas. Sexy dystopias, please and thank you.
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[27 Jul 2019|08:46pm]
Looking for a bottom Tom Hardy pb for a long-term line, a/b/o or something similar.
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