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[24 Jun 2019|10:53am]
[info]abodate A new A/B/O game for everyone where celebs and original characters meet. Now taking holds and apps so come join and let's get this party started!
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[24 Jun 2019|05:26pm]
does anyone play any of the guys from the hills or would be willing?
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[24 Jun 2019|05:33pm]
This can be either celeb or faux-celeb. I'm not picky more than I want the premise of the line itself.

Character A and Character B have a really good relationship. They care deeply for each other almost to the point of saying they are in love. Most free time when not filming their latest TV show/box office hit is spent at each other's homes, wasting the day away appreciating the others presence almost to the point of being cheesy. It's the whole deal, movies and snacks, staying the night, falling asleep holding each other close after a long round of passionate sex to have homemade pancakes and coffee the next morning.

There is only one problem with this arrangement though. While Character A has no problem with the idea of bringing their relationship public, Character B does. He worries having a boyfriend might ruin his Hollywood image he has made for himself. He worries of being seen differently, being passed over for roles, losing his sex appeal to the mass of adoring women whose walls he decorated with his posters.

I would love to see their dynamic together, with A being this dirty little secret to the public yet Character B this loving devoted boyfriend in private making it almost impossible for A to walk away.

I am open to being A or B. No preference there. I would love the characters to be masculine types to fit the role I'm looking for. Thinking for examples Chris Hemsworth, Jai Courtney, Nick Bateman. Etc. Sex on legs.
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[24 Jun 2019|08:24pm]
Looking for a bodyguard/military captain for a modern royal line with a twist.

My prince is going to be that typical snotty socialite by day to keep up appearances, but a crime-fighting vigilante by night. And this new parent/court appointed 'babysitter' is really getting in his way of secretly saving people.
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[24 Jun 2019|08:46pm]
[info]abstinence a potential slash line for him? comment my screened post please.
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