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[23 Jun 2019|03:27am]
A is a cop, tired of being told no at every turn, tired of watching all of his hard work go to waste because the system just isn't working. B is the vigilante who, at some point and for some reason, has started enacting justice on A's behalf in ways no one but A would notice. It's a nice change, but frustrating as all hell considering how little he's able to do himself. When B shows up at A's window one night, A isn't sure whether to thank him, arrest him, or strangle him. Maybe a little bit of each? It's a nice chance to take out his frustrations, anyway.

Looking for someone to write A, not picky on faces for him other than 30+. Hoping for a nice balance of plotting, smut, customs for texting, and lots of snark and banter. I have a character with Avan's face in mind, so I'd love to use him for B's pb.
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[23 Jun 2019|08:04pm]
Would love to find some lines playing the lady in a het and/or futa line or a slash line. Some ideas are here in the journal.

Have an idea, ask worst I can do is say no.
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