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[26 Apr 2019|07:23am]
[info]nuffsaid who’s lookin’ for a little joe in their lives? (okay, maybe not so little.)
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[26 Apr 2019|01:11pm]
[info]nuffsaid firstly, patrick fucking wilson, come to me beautiful. rdj, all the avenger faces need you. come and make them all happy, including this guy. because, who doesn't want a dc/marvel crossover? twd faces for our lovely jdm now that open registration is upon us!

luke evans, jude law, colin firth, taron egerton, mark strong, david harbour, troye sivan, other former members of 1d for harry. colton haynes for all the beautiful reasons. landon liboiron, ryan reynolds, bill skarsgard, liam hemsworth, more wrestlers and athletes. nick robinson!

if you're unsure on faces, trust, i have a lot more than the ones listed. come and join in on the fun!
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[26 Apr 2019|11:02pm]
Cap/Bucky, bringing back some old school fandom feels thanks to Endgame! Happy to write either half of the line.

Also, a few other ideas in the journal for fictitious royalty or HP OC lines!
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[26 Apr 2019|11:26pm]
Looking for some long-term slash lines with this kid. He's a 20 year old, former child prodigy pianist and a student trying to get through college. Much more on that can be found HERE.

Looking for a line that will balance fluff and drama and smut equally with a relaxed writer who is interesting in plotting and writing, but would love someone who enjoys extras as well if all works out! Comment here or on the screened post above!
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[ viewing | April 26th, 2019 ]
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