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[25 Apr 2019|12:35pm]
would he be wanted at [info]nuffsaid?
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[25 Apr 2019|01:43pm]
[info]nuffsaid i’m heading your way and want all the good times you have to offer
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[25 Apr 2019|01:53pm]
looking for a few psls, please check the journal!
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[25 Apr 2019|07:52pm]
with end game happening (no spoilers please!) i'd love to get some mcu faces for psls against this guy.
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[25 Apr 2019|10:00pm]
Alright [info]nuffsaid I've got a thought brewing in my head. and that thought is Buck Angel.

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[25 Apr 2019|10:36pm]
Looking for long term lines with writers who love to write. I have line ideas in my journal. I'm open to discussing your line ideas or brainstorming something new. Threading only.
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[ viewing | April 25th, 2019 ]
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