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[10 Apr 2019|12:40pm]
A big dick to take my guys virgin hole? Thinking a frat party scenario or maybe a sex club where my guy gets taken on stage? Con or dubcon. PBs up for discussion as I'm not set on a face.
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[10 Apr 2019|02:07pm]
Forbidden kind of relationship anyone? Romeo/Juliet-esq?

Rival packs?
Soldiers fighting on different sides?
Warring kingdoms?
Teenagers in the bible belt?

I'd be willing to do arranged marriage of said rivals to make/keep peace and eventually coming to love each other.

Throw ideas at me. I'm happy to plot out ideas.

Slash only please.
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[10 Apr 2019|10:44pm]
a mystical mindfuck of a line came to mind today. i'd love to find someone to play opposite my guy, who was up until this morning a female, and deal with all the weird, awkward, tense, confusingly sexy fun stuff that comes along with a female suddenly becoming a male through supernatural means. ideally if you play her husband, boyfriend, fuckbuddy, or best friend we could play out the most interesting scenes!
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[ viewing | April 10th, 2019 ]
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