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[09 Apr 2019|04:45am]
i don't care at this point who i play him against, as long as your a fan thats fine. i just want to write and have fun. there's a screened post to comment if anyone is interested
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[09 Apr 2019|07:48am]
slash or cboy lines? open to brainstorming
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[09 Apr 2019|06:51pm]
Since my best lines come from this comm: I'm looking for PSLs written through journals or GDocs. Slash/ gen/ unrequited/ het. I'm in the mood for lines that involve any (combination) of the following ideas:
- An Alpha/ Alpha personality supernatural line this (uneasy alliance between a vampire and a werecreature)
- The Back-Engineered Angel
- fantasy, where different types of magic exists
- low-magic fantasy
- (street rat who is unaware that he is a) person of authority/ champion
- soulmates
- alternate timelines or parallel dimensions/ a spin on the "second chance" trope
- holy man/ heretic or "abomination"
- cyberpunk cybernetic augmentation
- mage/ mechanist
- falling for the enemy (in disguise)
- suggestions?
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[09 Apr 2019|08:29pm]
An awesome Alpha for this now homeless Seb Stan Omega? Something fun and occasionally fluffy but still grown up and intelligent with just as much (if not more) character development than smut. Ideally a long term PSL if we click.

Of course, Chris Evans can skip to the front of the line
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[09 Apr 2019|10:37pm]
Four open threads posted in this journal. Multiple tags to one thread are welcome.

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