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[01 Apr 2019|12:53pm]
Lots of roles just opened up, so if you're into comic book tv/film actors, come check us out!
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[01 Apr 2019|01:14pm]
Looking for a line where my guy hooks up with his brother's fraternity brother at one of their monthly parties. Journals or discord either one. Silverwolf#0737 on discord or silverwolf78 on Wire
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[01 Apr 2019|01:47pm]
Looking for a long term Malec historical roleplay. Must be open minded about plot as I like a wide range of plots. I like the royal times of kings and queens with maybe a harem mixed in or maybe roman times. Preferably I want this long term and I want to be friends, not just rp buddies. I also have grammar and spelling issues so just keep that in mind.

Also must be up for smut and not just fade to black.
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[ viewing | April 1st, 2019 ]
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