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[31 Mar 2019|05:22am]
looking for someone for a specific slash leave where I can comment ya
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[31 Mar 2019|01:01pm]
Looking for the father in an incest line with very few limits. Details in the journal. Comment there if you're interested.

[31 Mar 2019|11:17pm]
Looking for some long-term slash lines with this kid. He's a 20 year old, former child prodigy pianist and a student trying to get through college. Much more on that can be found HERE.

Looking for a line that will balance fluff and drama and smut equally with a relaxed writer who is interesting in plotting and writing, but would love someone who enjoys extras as well if all works out! Comment here or on the screened post above!
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[ viewing | March 31st, 2019 ]
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