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[24 Mar 2019|01:26am]
Billy Hargrove for Steve Harrington?
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[24 Mar 2019|10:09am]
A brother in law he ends up fooling around with when his wife is out of town?
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[24 Mar 2019|12:26pm]
Looking for a slash line between two 30+ guys to take to a supernatural comm.
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[24 Mar 2019|02:19pm]
[info]snakeden This is one of the owners, and [info]brawford's father. Looking for some more family - three to four more children. Also close friends outside of the other owners and some potential romantic lines with partners 35+.
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[24 Mar 2019|03:39pm]
a pb slash line for him? open to who i play him against. slice of life preferred.
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[24 Mar 2019|04:34pm]
something cliche or unconventional, celeb or pb with journals for faux style extras (tabloids/fake social media to fuel some light drama are a plus!), and wire for ic and shorter scenes? i'm pretty negotiable, i'd just love something active and mostly cute with a reasonable amount of smut
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[24 Mar 2019|10:02pm]
would anyone pb landon liboiron against bill? supernatural, faux, or slice of life, very open to brainstorming! just looking for someone who wants to focus on development and write. journals mainly for now but open to a messenger as things go.
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[24 Mar 2019|10:46pm]
Kinky storylines for Dean here? I'm open to crossover ideas if they fit. Looking to celebrate the show ending with a bang.
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[24 Mar 2019|11:31pm]
[info]snakeden Lines for the head chef? Looking for his sisters (up to three), his sous chef, other kitchen and wait staff, people in the club he always makes sure have a meal when he's on the clock, and potentially someone to heal his shattered heart. Not to mention some random hook ups.
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[ viewing | March 24th, 2019 ]
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