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[23 Mar 2019|12:44pm]
something for dave franco or douglas booth, would love a zac efron for either one or darren criss.
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[23 Mar 2019|12:55pm]
i will give both my arms and legs if i could get something slash for jay gordon from orgy (manager/rock star, merch person/rock star or even two rival bands) what happened to all the people who used to play these type of guys or like playing against them?
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[23 Mar 2019|04:34pm]
something fun, new, exciting, long term for davey havok.
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[23 Mar 2019|09:00pm]
Something for Matt? His usual pack of Defenders and associates or a wide range from the MCU or crossovers would be great.
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[ viewing | March 23rd, 2019 ]
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