slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
slash storyline community

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[17 Mar 2019|12:57am]
I think I have spring fever and would love to get some more writing in. Looking for some slash slice of life lines. Nothing specific in mind. Would be happy to fill an idea or discuss something.
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[17 Mar 2019|07:21am]
I have a mage who uses Time and Space magic. I was thinking it could be interesting to have a line about parallel universes and someone important to him crossing over from another timeline, and them dealing with how different the choices each other's parallel universe self made were. Perhaps one worked hard to build a life with the other in his original timeline, but finds out his alternate self went the other way. This would be an urban fantasy line with as much adventure and drama as romance.

Also interested in vampire versus shapeshifter lines à la Anita Blake, where a master vampire can have an animal to call. Or a mage and his familiar.

I prefer slash or gen, but can write het for the right type of character. I'll only write through journals or GDocs.
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Crossposted like mad [17 Mar 2019|04:49pm]
Looking for anyone who was at [info]eliteclub who might be interested in a new game that's similar. Not associated with the former mods in any way - this is a new game entirely.
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[17 Mar 2019|05:36pm]
can i get something long term for davey havok?
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[ viewing | March 17th, 2019 ]
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