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[16 Mar 2019|07:55am]
I’d love to find someone interested in a short or long-term line with this character. He’s a faerie from an urban fantasy setting and would love to play with so Alpha type guys. I have a few starters up in my journal, if you like one, reply to it and I’ll lock it for just us. If you’d like something else, let me know and we can do that as well.

Specifically looking for a guy that is in a relationship but still fucks Kendrick in the side or that is about to get married but can’t pass up the chance to fuck Kendrick behind the church before the ceremony.
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[16 Mar 2019|05:11pm]
[info]locate a younger male for a sugar baby~ line against this older man, faces and details negotiable
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[16 Mar 2019|09:17pm]
Is anyone into Steve/Bucky still? Open to different timelines or AU. Thanks!

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[16 Mar 2019|11:36pm]
[info]locate a dude who knows nothing about comics to frequent the shop this guy works in just so they can have a reason to talk to each other
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[ viewing | March 16th, 2019 ]
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