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[11 Mar 2019|02:20am]
I'm looking for sci-fi lines or a game. I'd like to play an older guy in a line against someone maybe younger and/or more intimidating (maybe not in reality but looks it, like a tattooed bear), but at least with a personality contrast. Maybe they're already in a relationship or there's just unresolved sexual tension. Definitely not picky with PBs, and I love seeing rarer faces.

Huge longshot, but if anyone remembers Titan AE I'd like to write Korso against a Cale or crossover! I've listed other verses on my journal but would prefer writing an OC in those.
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[11 Mar 2019|05:52am]
Unlikely but would anyone be interested in playing Cristiano Ronaldo against Wayne Rooney?
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[11 Mar 2019|11:41am]
looking for a top for this guy! a dom or an alpha. whichever one works better with some worldbuilding going on.
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[ viewing | March 11th, 2019 ]
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