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[10 Mar 2019|10:19am]
PB Taylor Kinney, anyone?
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[10 Mar 2019|02:14pm]
anyone looking for harry potter slash lines? any era, to be honest. i just want to write something harry potter (with characters aged 30+). please bring brainstorming and imagination to the table. i want to create our own world. i do not write smut.
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[10 Mar 2019|02:25pm]
Looking for a few lines with the faces in my journal. Smut friendly, open to long-term relationship oriented starting as smut.

Check the journal.
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[10 Mar 2019|11:35pm]
I'd like to do a line based off of Alita, sooort of based off of Alita and Ido but with 100% less incest. A doctor/engineer finds the core of an advanced cyborg and puts it on the body he had originally created for his disabled (and now dead) lover. At some point, possibly where the line begins, the cyborg finds a body that suits his core. From there we can go into themes of grief, self-identity, relationship between creator/creation and...adventure? I'll play either role. EST, I have a 9-5 job and am taking classes but I write to blow off steam. Journals or Discord only.

I don't have many PBs up on this journal, and I tend to base who I pick off of how old our characters are. Let me know if there's someone you've been dying to play/play against.
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[ viewing | March 10th, 2019 ]
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