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[14 Feb 2019|08:35pm]
Patrick Stump in any form I can get him celeb/pb/whatever would make my life. Alternatively, Pete and I'll play Patrick?

Otherwise, would anyone be willing to write (or rewrite, I guess?) and of the trio of bands like set back in the day when they weren't broke up/married/etc? FOB, Panic!, or My Chem(I weirdly never discovered them in those days but I know the things, well, some of them)? Glory days, young and stupid days, van days?

OR, you willing to PB/au celeb it and throw some guy you can't get action for and we pretend they're in a band together or at warped together or manager/groupie/whatever??

I'm just kinda missing band dudes. Willing to incorporate drugs/sex/rock and roll, obviously as long as it's not too heavy, cause that gets a bit tedious to write for me. Also open to cheating (with each other), side character deaths, other elements that I won't list off but my limits are pretty few and far between.
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