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[13 Feb 2019|07:08am]
tossing this kid out there in hopes of snagging something awesome. ideally, what i'm looking for is something slowburn where we can track their relationship over an extended period of time with smaller, shorter vignettes that snapshot little interactions with someone he'd treat in his very private clinic - he tends to see mobsters, mercenaries and hitmen, high-end drug dealers... he won't ask questions, and he's good at what he does, but he operates totally unaffiliated in a nameless clinic tucked away. sort of a situation where: if you're the category of person to need him, you know where he is, but he's not easy to find otherwise.

that said, i'd also really love to explore something more traditional with him against a medical professional (another trauma surgeon? nurse?) who operates out of your standard hospital doing your standard non-criminal-related activities.

there's more stuff in the journal, and i'm open to other options of course!
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[13 Feb 2019|05:52pm]
looking for someone interested in working on a relationship line with a good mix of everything where we would eventually have the intention of trying to find a third person to add in.
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[13 Feb 2019|10:09pm]
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[ viewing | February 13th, 2019 ]
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