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[22 Jan 2019|07:50pm]
Would still love to get a line or two for an Adam Lambert. Prefer something long term, and instant messaging for discussing and sceneing, not a fan of threading, group lines, or communities. I am open to pairings and brain storming ideas though, or filling lines you might already have in mind. Toss anything at me.
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[22 Jan 2019|08:52pm]
Taking a demon in the form of Rami Malek over to [info]arcain. He's the co-owner of XRoads and has been back on earth now for almost 400 years. he could use all kinds of connections and lines.
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[22 Jan 2019|10:04pm]
[info]preternatural looking for the high-school sweetheart he never got the courage to confess to whom he still probably has a crush on! up to you if they're still best friends/pretty close now or they have already lost contact with each other for some reason. unfortunately matt's already been taken in the game, so I have no particular PB requests really!
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[ viewing | January 22nd, 2019 ]
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