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[21 Jan 2019|10:18am]
white pussy for a trevante to wreck. let's brainstorm scenarios, c-boy only
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[21 Jan 2019|11:41am]
looking for a slash line where they're either exes trying to rekindle their relationship - one having a kid or both of them, two rival musicians that end up sparking a romance together, you being a musician and myself playing the 'boyfriend' that everyone knows about, but the singer sleeps around, or you being the musician and myself being a roadie, merch guy or photographer
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[21 Jan 2019|12:36pm]
Something for Paul Wesley, would love a Daniel Gillies or Ian Somerhalder if possible, although I’m open to other faces. Willing to brainstorm some ideas.
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[21 Jan 2019|10:56pm]
Lines for this kiddo? At present, he's a well-meaning, sort-of sweet, sort of clueless vegan baker/restauranteur from an excessively wealthy background, whose luxurious lifestyle and privileges he tries to be self-aware about but consistently fails to acknowledge in any way more meaningful than #checkyoself lipserve. It is hysterical, I promise! Have some line ideas, but pretty open, and he's pretty flexible too - looking largely for slice-of-life lines, but if we can come up with something with a greater story/world-building, that would both be surprising and excellent.
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[ viewing | January 21st, 2019 ]
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