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[20 Feb 2016|01:17am]
[info]alexanderbennet Bring me lines. Have a couple of suggestions here, but I'm open to anything.
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[20 Feb 2016|09:43am]
[info]alexanderbennet bringing this university professor with telekinetic powers, new to the facility, but has been in town for years, and would love some lines.
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[20 Feb 2016|03:36pm]
Bringing Danny Avidan from Game Grumps to [info]alexanderbennet. Looking for someone to play with Excalibur. Preferably Arin, but Barry would be great too because I am shipgrumps garbage please love me.
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[20 Feb 2016|03:38pm]
Does anyone PB Michael Fassbender slashy? I'd like to play a younger man against him, in either a dystopian or historical setting where he is someone who is noble or has come to power recently, and while hiding that he is drawn to men, he has certain ones brought in to him who know how to keep their mouths shut and are good at learning to give pleasure (as corny as that sounds). Doesn't have to be dark, but if you'd prefer something like that we can definitely discuss it. Also open to changing this line up a bit, or something with similar pairings that you might think of. I'm looking to play someone like Zac Efron or Evan Peters, but I can also go a bit younger with Logan Lerman, also open to suggestion. Comments are screened.
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[20 Feb 2016|05:32pm]
I'd really like to find someone interested in a long term slash fantasy (urban or historical) line. I have a few new ideas as well as some older ones listed below the cut, always open to other ideas as well.

The Long Game )

The Fox's Prey )

Or someone that would be interested in exploring this line with Benedict here that I started with someone else before they bailed on ke


I'd really really love to play against a Taylor Kinney, Taylor Kitsch, Derek Theler, Tom Hardy, Chris Pratt, Jason Momoa, Joe Manganiello, Kellan Lutz.
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[20 Feb 2016|09:23pm]
This is Ranulf Switt. He's a bit rough around the edges, a little bit full of himself, a little bit brash, sweary and threatens violence to those who harm the ones he cares about, but really, he's a soft thing. Looking for a line or a home for him!

He's partial to Eddie Redmayne faces. He used to have a Kit Harington as his brother's face, but that ended a while back!
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[20 Feb 2016|09:26pm]
Ianto looking for Jack.
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