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[01 Dec 2010|12:38am]
Looking for a slash line to take to [info]stowevt. This guy is a Society for Creative Anachronism member, his parents were involved in SCA as he was growing up and he and one of his sisters still goes to faires and does re-enactment. I'd like for him to have a live-in boyfriend who he met at a faire. They'd have been together for at least a couple of years now. Ideally I'd like to see Colin Morgan for this line because I'm ridiculously cliche like that and love his little face, but I could also go with Ben Barnes or to go a totally different route maybe Eoin Macken. Anyone? Anyone?
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[01 Dec 2010|07:25am]
can i get a home or a psl for my nils?
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[01 Dec 2010|12:57pm]
I've been catching up on the revamped version of Hawaii 5-0, and so naturally I'm now dying to write Steve in a Steve/Danny slash line. There's more on my writing here, just comment here or there if interested!
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[01 Dec 2010|01:11pm]
long shot this, but I'm taking Henry here to [info]prtland and I'd love for his long-term partner to come along. Their relationship isn't without its problems but they make it work for them. I'm open the face but some suggestions would be Jude Law, Ewan McGregor, Johnny Depp, Chris Evans, Gerard Butler, Daniel Craig but they're just from the top of my head.
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[01 Dec 2010|02:15pm]
Looking for a few HP-ish slash lines with OCs, set in a time period largely unaffected by the books (but not entirely) to write of-age wizards (preferably twenty-somes) in the "real world" establishing careers, relationships, etc. AIM or threading works for me!

Also interested in other slash lines as well. Check the journal if interested!
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[01 Dec 2010|03:45pm]
My kingdom for Viggo Mortensen.
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[01 Dec 2010|04:09pm]
Would anyone be interested in a Harry Potter slash line that incorporates threading, letters, narratives, and the like? I am interested in any era, and I have experience playing the following: Regulus Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, and Zacharias Smith. I would absolutely love to try out a new character, and if playing original characters is more your style, I have a few of those I’m eager to put to use as well.
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[01 Dec 2010|04:11pm]
Home for this PB? I'd love to fill lines.
Or does anyone wanna go somewhere together as a pair? I hate joining comms alone, is all. My only caveats are no faux celeb and if it's a romantic line I'd prefer both characters to be in their 30's.
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[01 Dec 2010|07:24pm]
Could I get a slashline for [info]tamu or [info]hillies ?
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[01 Dec 2010|07:42pm]
does anyone play tom felton slashy?
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[01 Dec 2010|07:52pm]
Looking for some private lines against someone who plays Jared Padalecki.
If interested comment.
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[01 Dec 2010|08:24pm]
[ mood | [info]zavefron, perhaps? ]

something smutty for liam? i'd enjoy a good m/m/m line, but i'm open to brainstorming. cliche or unconventional pairings are awesome either way.

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[01 Dec 2010|10:37pm]
more west end and broadway stars to [info]thealist plus his best friend.
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[01 Dec 2010|10:52pm]
looking for a slash line for one of my harry potter OC characters, nikolai. in short he's from russia and working as an auror. for the line i would love to either play him against a death eater during the war time (just imagine all the TENSION. plus nikolai isn't on anyones side, so he might be persuaded...) or a teacher/student at hogwarts if he is working there in order to protect the students (if i'm playing him against the student, i want them to have an equal relationship though. he needs teasing and banter and challenges)

i'm open for other ideas, i just really want a line for him right now :)

threading only, please.
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