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[30 Nov 2010|12:19am]
Anyone up for a Killjoys line?
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[30 Nov 2010|01:45am]
Would anyone be interested in M.Shadows/Zacky Vengeance au celeb line? It's for [info]blackrock_ma and Matt would have a two years old son.

Also it would be rad if any other Avenged and OC boys would join him in this comm.
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[30 Nov 2010|06:04am]
anyone play adam or the glam troupe anymore?
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[30 Nov 2010|09:02am]
Looking for new lines. Prefer to discuss over aim. Comment here if interested.
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[30 Nov 2010|11:50am]
anyone watch a list new york?
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[30 Nov 2010|12:05pm]
[info]thealist his eccentric best friend who he met on the West End and moved up onto movies and television with. I'm open to PBs
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[30 Nov 2010|12:34pm]
[info]munimetro I want ex-boyfriends and I won't wear a shirt until I get at least one.
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[30 Nov 2010|02:01pm]
Anyone up for a long term slash line with Liam Neeson? Willing to play threesomes or poly (either can have a het component) as well as one on one.

Check the journal for more details.

Comments screened.
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[30 Nov 2010|02:17pm]
Looking for a long-term, slow-building threading PSL for the character in the icon here. He's the 25-year-old assistant director of a family-owned funeral home; personality-wise he's a happy-go-lucky adrenaline junkie who has perpetual bad luck in relationships. I don't have anything specific in mind but I was hoping to toss him against someone older (or at least his age), and nothing supernatural/fantasy, please. I'm pretty open to changing background details to make it easier to plot -- an equal collaboration instead of making you feel like you're forced to walk onto an already-existing movie set, if you will. Check the journal for more info and comment there (not here!) if interested, thanks!
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[30 Nov 2010|03:18pm]
Something for Kris Allen? I WOULD DIE FOR A MARK SALLING
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[30 Nov 2010|03:56pm]
seeking aiden grimshaw for a psl. after watching the ballad of maiden, how could you resist? really, now. pb, maybe celeb.
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[30 Nov 2010|05:51pm]
can i get someone to play frank for me that wont flake?
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[30 Nov 2010|06:28pm]
Anyone play joe slashy?
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[30 Nov 2010|06:43pm]
A Jeffrey Dean Morgan for my Jared Padalecki PB in a PB comm pleaaaase? message me at skelevenge for details :)

or, for a psl I'd love a Dean Winchester for my Sam Winchester in a SPN Wincest line based after Dean comes back from the pit, and Sam is at the starting of possession.
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home/psl for JT LeRoy? (x-posted) [30 Nov 2010|07:03pm]
So, I have this character that I put off for about 3 years now mainly because it's impossible to find a community that will allow him and mods that will tone down there hardcore bitchy attitudes (which aren't intimidating, btw, just annoying) enough to see why he can be accepted as a celebrity. I have recently picked up his books again after reading, I have this strong ache to play him once again.

There is a little bit of background info in his journal. I would like to play him as a real celebrity, pre-"sex change" and post-Asia Argento. If I can get absolutely anything for this kid, PSL or home.. anything, I would be beyond ecstatic. Thanks a bunch!
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[30 Nov 2010|08:18pm]
who plays young hollywood dads? i'm thinking cam g. mostly but i'd be down for others. it'd be for a celeb slash line.
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[30 Nov 2010|09:40pm]
Currently looking for someone non-flakey who wants to play an original line with the same setup of Edward and Carlisle from Twilight but exploring the more subversive implications of it. We can work out the actual plot in chat, I'm ranmafreak93 on AIM.
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