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[29 Sep 2010|12:33am]
Marauder era Remus Lupin ISO Sirius Black... or anyone else if you want to chat a bit. Either leave your AIM here, or send me a message, or leave a note telling me to send YOU a message, haha. I'd really like to get Remus some use, as I miss him terribly. <3 am definitely up for some darker themes, I'm not much for too much fluff.
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[29 Sep 2010|01:05am]
Would anyone be interested in a line where a couple begins to date and some time into the relationship they realize they had a disastrous one-night stand years ago?
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[29 Sep 2010|01:08am]
Anyone out there pb Chris Colfer? He's wanted for a slash line with this guy at [info]harvardwestlake and I know a bunch of others would love to see him around too.
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[29 Sep 2010|02:17pm]
Would there be interest in a really tight knit, Marauders Era Harry Potter game/PSL? Character limit would be approximately two characters with the condition that they be on opposite sides or not share much interaction. Setting would probably be sixth year just so we could focus on building relationships and character interaction, but long term growth & potential possible, and plot would be a definite.
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[29 Sep 2010|02:31pm]
Can we get a Tommy Joe Ratliff to [info]encircle, ASAP? A romantic line between Tommy & Adam might be a possibility, if interested.
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[29 Sep 2010|03:54pm]
Looking for something for man in icon. Celeb/PB/Whatever. Modern only for right now - unless something VERY special is mentioned in another time frame. Could take to a comm.

* 18+ writing partners
* AIM/Journal/Email.
* Third-person paragraph.
* Switchers.
* Supernatural twists welcome.
* Darker story lines also welcome.
* Het. Possible under right circumstances.
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[29 Sep 2010|04:17pm]
I'd love to get some lines for the boys in my icons. I'd especially like to do something with Aaron Johnson, Conor Oberst, Bobby Hicks, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Kyle Gallner, Michael Cera, or Jesse Eisenberg, though. I've got diverse interests that include...pretty much anything from supernatural elements to age gaps to dubcon, smut and fluff, and anything that isn't scat or vore, really. I do both AIM and threading, so let me know your thoughts!
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[29 Sep 2010|06:16pm]
anyone up for a m/m/m line, or even a polygamy line with one male having however many boyfriends? ages, pbs, etc negotiable.
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[29 Sep 2010|08:38pm]
anyone play davey havok anymore? slashy
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[29 Sep 2010|08:42pm]

anything for a jason schwartzman?

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[29 Sep 2010|09:12pm]
Anyone play any of the boys from All Time Low? I'd love somethign for their tour manager :)
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[29 Sep 2010|09:27pm]
Anyone have an interesting, angsty idea for a PSL? Could be slashy or het, i'm thinking about maybe using an Ed Westwick PB for slash, tempted to give a vampire SL a shot, maybe in the True Blood-verse? Gimme what you got!
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[29 Sep 2010|10:42pm]
Can I get an older male for my Jackson pb? I am willing to rp with anyone against the Twilight Cast. Though please only respond if you're actually interested.
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[29 Sep 2010|10:47pm]
PSL's for any of the guys in my journal?
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[29 Sep 2010|11:51pm]
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