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Encircle Talent

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For Anyone Looking For A Home.... [12 Jul 2011|01:10pm]

As long as your character isn't taken, you're all welcome to bring your characters over to [info]wme. I'm one of the mods there, and you can bring your pre-existing SL there. Everyone there is pretty laid back and isn't into OOC drama, so it's the perfect place to go, if you're looking for a home. :) You will still have to give examples and whatnot, but I know what kinds of writers most of you all are, anyway. You'll need a first entry and a recent friends only post.

Tell them that [info]adam_m_lambert sent you, and that you're from [info]encircle, and I'll make sure that you get in.
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Members of Encircle [11 Jul 2011|07:34pm]

During the last few months, our Agency has lost many beloved clients into retirement or inactivity. Despite every effort to revive interest (via [info]rumourhasit, suggesting Awards, pimping/promoting, trying to kick off weekly secrets, etc.) we have not been successful at doing so...

We feel as though we've failed our clients in providing a fun, interactive and amazing place to be. At this time, our Agency will close its doors to non-permanent clientele and will only remain open to permanent clientele as a means of keeping in touch with one another.

It is heart breaking for us, but it is also an exhausting workload when there are no positive strides being made despite all best efforts.

We apologize to all of you for letting you down and hope that you will continue to have glorious success in all you do now and in the future.

- Bossmen of Encircle.
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Daily advice [01 Apr 2011|01:11pm]

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LevineOnJetPlane [04 Mar 2011|06:50pm]

Did someone say there was free beer and corn bread around here?
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AJs Pie Factory [30 Jan 2011|11:33am]

I'm AJ, and I'm the Yankees' resident nutjob. Who's looking forward to Cowboys and Aliens?
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[28 Jan 2011|12:02pm]

I would like to try a little experiment.

I would like for each of you to reach out to someone you don't speak to normally and see if you can make a connection with them. Maybe you just might meet a new friend, lover or life partner. Then I would like for you to let me know how it went.

As always if you have any questions, concerns or need to get something off your chest: drdrewp@gmail.com
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johnnypeartree [28 Dec 2010|08:59pm]

Hiya loves! For those of you who don't know me I'm an actor currently playing Christian Clarke in EastEnders, and sing and dance in my spare time. How are we all?
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iwilleatyouleto - I need a new AIM name [06 Dec 2010|04:43pm]

I'm not really sure what to say other than, hey. I'm Shannon. What's your favorite inspirational quote?
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possessedJensen [10 Nov 2010|09:45am]

Whats happening [info]encircle?
I'm just your average cowboy from Texas who slays the Supernatural for a living.
What do you do?
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Babylonwednesday [01 Nov 2010|12:07am]

[ mood | amused ]

Hello Boy’s and Ghouls, we just got off stage at the Roxy. If you weren’t there, you missed one hell of a show! Now it’s off to my good friend Matt’s for a little Rocky Horror. So tell me what was everyone for Halloween?

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[18 Oct 2010|11:25pm]

I feel like I should have on one of those 'Hello My Name Is' stickers on my chest right now. I'm Josh. I've dabbled in music just a tiny bit and I'm a therapist.

Ok so how many of you have been or are in therapy right now?
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[02 Oct 2010|10:08pm]

I know I have been scarce lately but I wanted to say hello to everyone! I still love you all, even those I don't talk touch anymore. I miss some of you: Kristen, Miley, Ville, Nick, Demi, Nikki, Etc... Love you guys lots! Hi again to the new folks around.
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[27 Aug 2010|10:10pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Hey! Just wanted to catch up on saying hi and welcome to the new people. I got pretty behind. Come say hi sometime if you want. Sorry if I didn't come say hi sooner...

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[23 Aug 2010|08:35pm]


My name is Maryse Ouellet, better known simply as Maryse. And I too, work for the WWE. I am a two time WWE Divas Champion. When I'm not working and kicking ass in the ring, I occasionally model.

Random fact about me. I've posed for Playboy 12 times, being featured in their specialty issues. Do I regret posing? Absolutely not. Would I do it again? Probably.

I just got back yesterday from doing shows in Hawaii, Japan and China all last week. Now that I'm finally caught up on laundry, I can rest up a bit.

Whats one thing you have to do as soon as you get home from being away for bit?

MissOuellet // ooohmaryse@gmail.com is how to reach me.
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[22 Aug 2010|12:13pm]

Don't really think I need an introduction, but my momma told me it was polite, so hello I'm Jackson. Anyone have any AIM name suggestions for me?
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dushtildawn or customs [14 Aug 2010|11:24am]

Totally feel like I am at an AA Meeting -- Hi my name is Eliza and I'm a caffeine addict? What's your vice?
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chrisnevershouts :) [12 Jul 2010|07:23pm]

[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | The Ready Set- Love Like Woe ]

My name is chris and I'm addicted to love and a few other things i'll leave to mystery.

what are you addicted to?

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[05 Jul 2010|02:40pm]

I think I am the most boring person on the planet.
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tokillamcberg [29 Jun 2010|07:14pm]

Chelle Trachtenberg at your service ... at the moment I can't get Tear You Part by She Wants Revenge out of my head --- what's been the worm in your brain as of late?
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reaserliz [11 Jun 2010|01:02am]

Hello everyone, my name is Elizabeth Reaser. I currently play Esme Cullen in the Twilight saga, and yes, I tend to be quite motherly myself towards those whom I love dearly. You've been warned :) Please feel free to contact me any time via AIM at reaserliz or through my contact post as well.
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[07 Jun 2010|02:52pm]

Hi all I'm Taylor. Nice to be here, come say hi sometime...
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Customs are love (aim is Emma Anzai, but I won't be on it much.) [25 May 2010|05:25pm]

I'm Emma. I talk a lot. I'm also very sarcastic.
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[10 Feb 2010|04:28pm]

See [info]bossmen to enter

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