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[19 Feb 2018|08:45am]

Characters: Sirius and Diggs
Date: Sunday Feb 18th
Setting: The current stopping place
Summary: Fun with radios
Status: incomplete

Time to prank call Japan! )
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[19 Feb 2018|08:33am]

Characters: Fabian and Rabastan
Date: Backdated to February 14th
Setting: A muggle nightclub
Summary: Valentine's Day!
Status: incomplete

Rab was both nervous and very excited  )
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[09 Feb 2018|04:46pm]

Characters: Fabian and Marlene, aka Fay and Mac
Setting: Random muggle bar nearby wherever weekend base camp is
Date: Friday, February 9, evening
Rating: Middle-ish? Probably being rascals, but nothing over the top
Status: In progress!

Mick Mac, Mac attack, Mac-tastic Mac-ademia nut delight, hello! )
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[05 Feb 2018|08:56am]

Characters: Narcissa and Regulus
Date: Sunday Feb 4th
Setting: A stop on the road
Summary: Narcissa thinks she might be pregnant...
Status: Complete

If it was just motion sickness it should have gotten better by now... )
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[02 Feb 2018|08:59am]

Characters: Sirius and Andy
Date: Saturday 27th January, 1979 (backdated)
Setting: Back at the tents
Summary: Sirius and Andy talk after the Mafloy wedding
Status: Incomplete

Sirius had liked being Fabian. )
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[23 Jan 2018|08:49am]

Characters: Lily's friends
Date: FORWARD DATED Tuesday 30th January, 1979
Setting: The Evans family home, Cokeworth
Content: Keep it G rated, her parents are going to see this!
Status: Incomplete

On your birthday )
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[20 Jan 2018|07:42pm]

Characters: Everyone With an Invitation and a few Without
Date: Saturday 27th January, 1979 (forward dated)
Setting: The Black Family Manor
Content: Angst, Joy, Tears, and lots of Gold
Summary: Narcissa and Lucius are getting married
Status: Incomplete

It was as lavish as the short timeline would allow )
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[17 Jan 2018|06:40pm]

Characters: Rhiannon and Andromeda
Date: Tuesday 17th January, 1979
Setting: Scarborough campsite, in the woods
Content: Some sadness, some bonding, possibly some peyote
Summary: Rhiannon is mourning. Andy is too.
Status: Incomplete

Crying is Better in the Woods )
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[14 Jan 2018|11:38am]

Characters: Mary Macdonald, Severus Snape
Date: Saturday 13th January, 1979
Setting: Scarborough campsite
Content: snark and eye rolling, most likely
Summary: After everyone finds out Ted is not in fact dead.
Status: Incomplete

Abandon all smiles and cheer, ye who enter here )
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[11 Jan 2018|09:52pm]

Characters: Alastor and Melisande Moody
Date: BACKDATED: Sunday 7 January 1979, after this
Setting: Moody Manor
Content: Language. Maybe violence, who knows?
Summary: Moody comes home drunk, Mel’s been waiting to pounce on him for trapping her while Violet was hurt
Status: Incomplete

hell hath no fury )
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[10 Jan 2018|08:20pm]

Characters: Remus Lupin and Sirius Black
Date: Forward-dated: Saturday 13th January, 1979
Setting: The Golden Grid
Content: Wolfstar mushiness
Summary: They have the talk and re-do their clams date
Status: Incomplete

Non-Homophobic Clams )
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[10 Jan 2018|08:09pm]

Date: Forward-dated: Saturday 13th January, 1979
Setting: His tent at the Scarborough
Content: DEAD TED
Summary: Just a little experiment
Status: Incomplete

Dead Ted )
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[10 Jan 2018|07:17pm]

Owl for Severus Snape )
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[08 Jan 2018|11:40am]

Characters: Rab and Fay
Setting: Mary's Car, January 8th
Summary: First day back on the road!
Status: incolmplete

It had only been 7 days, but it felt like a lifetime. )
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[06 Jan 2018|08:45pm]

Characters: Jackson Corner and Alastor Moody
Date: Sunday 7 January, 1979
Setting: Aces Bar
Content: Language probably
Summary: Moody gives Jackson tips on how to pick up Morgana women?
Status: Incomplete

I don’t have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who’d be mad at me for saying that. )
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[06 Jan 2018|09:50pm]

Characters: Andromeda Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, Regulus Black
Date: Friday, January 5th 1979
Setting: The woods near their childhood home
Summary: Andy tries to reach out to Bella, and doesn't get the response she was hoping for.
Warnings: Animal cruelty
Status: Incomplete

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[06 Jan 2018|07:31pm]

The apartment building that houses Sirius' flat )
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[05 Jan 2018|07:11pm]

Owl To Bellatrix )
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[06 Jan 2018|10:01am]

Characters: Mary MacDonald, Severus Snape
Date: Wednesday, January 3rd 1979
Setting: A little out-of-the-way pub
Summary: After Mary posts her photos, she and Sev go grab a drink. Because they don't want to be social.
Content: G Rated. This is NOT a date.
Status: Complete

There's Something About Mary )
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[04 Jan 2018|02:13pm]

Characters: Dedalus Diggle
Setting: Early morning hours of Thursday, 4 January
Plot: Digs get some extra "protection" in case of a future attack.
Content: Threats of violence, and regular swearing/slurs associated with Digs.
Status: Complete

Dedalus Diggle was not a good person. )
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