August 21st, 2014

[info]victordonovan in [info]shepherd_mesg

Just to remind everyone, Sapphire will remain open during the break. However, due to the nature of break, I can't promise which dancers will be available on any given days, but there will always be a couple on stage for your pleasure.

Private to Thalia )

Private to Cassandra )

[info]rhodrychap in [info]shepherd_mesg

Congratulations. I would like to thank the faculty and staff who have made my first year as a Department head very memorable. Also, those students who have worked hard to bring about the end of another successful session. I am sure the Fall term will prove to be just as brilliant as this summer.

Enjoy your holidays. And we will see you all again soon.

Text to Alice )

Text to Jamie Rnott )

Private to Josie Raymonde )