August 20th, 2014

[info]jordancooke in [info]shepherd_mesg

I think by the time this semester officially ends and all the finals are over... the coffee place is going to have my mugshot by their register with the words "jordan cooke - known caffeine addict - do not serve" written on it. And the worst thing is, I won't even be able to blame them.

I can't help it if they have really good iced coffees. I don't know what they put in it. Maybe chocolate. Or maybe crack.

Probably crack.

Summer semester seriously flew by. I already can't wait for fall.

[info]lucamer in [info]shepherd_mesg

I'm a kind fucking soul Giselle. Stop threatening me bodily harm.

[info]crogan in [info]shepherd_mesg

Oh god. This summers dig was hell and short lived. Normally, I'm gone the whole summer and scrambling around trying to mentally change gears to whatever I'm doing next. Next this time around being I'm teaching here! I'll be instructing an Intro Into Anthropology. I'm sure many are gone on vacation Hello Ghost Town!, and I guess I should be thankful for the month of adjustment/preparation I'm going to have for all my classes.

I'll also try to have a better look around campus. Speaking of, was that a strip club that I saw?

Oh, thank god I kept this short! Normally I'm the Babble Queen.