August 1st, 2014

[info]hayleymc in [info]shepherd_mesg

To: Jake Davis.
From: Hayley McCormack
Sent: August 1st, 9pm

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[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

Tonight's the night of the sleepover in the museum. It was sold out in three hours, so even if I could go, I never would have gotten a ticket. Not that I could have afforded it, anyways. I don't know how much sleeping I'd end up doing, but wouldn't it be neat? I know, everyone thinks it's a boring idea, but I would love it.

I'll just have to make my own night at the museum, I guess. I can go sit outside with my laptop. I'll have the stars and whatever documentaries I can find. I'll just have to make sure I don't fall asleep out there. My roommates wouldn't notice if I was gone, so I'll have to be extra careful. It won't be the same, but maybe if I sit outside and watch some documentaries that are similar to the live events they're going to have, it'll be just as fun.

[info]dylkensington in [info]shepherd_mesg

Girl I swapped numbers with up at Mountainfest just invited me to a sustainable energy worshop up in Morganstown.

Is this a date or just being friendly?