July 31st, 2014

[info]brestan in [info]shepherd_mesg

Text to Nadia Franklin )

[info]rebgunn in [info]shepherd_mesg

Email to Stephen Harper )

[info]xpwilson in [info]shepherd_mesg

Apparently I'm being kicked out of my dorm tonight. Hmmm. Where to go and what to do.

[info]eleni_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

Texts to: Liam Murphy, Corina Williams
Text from: Eleni Wilson
You have (1) new messages )

[info]nafran in [info]shepherd_mesg

Text to Josie )

[info]josieray in [info]shepherd_mesg

Miles Davis must have heard me weep, because I'm off to the Newport Jazz Festival for the weekend! Well, tomorrow I'm off to the Newport Jazz Festival, but that's not really the point. Newport Jazz Festival!

Also, Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga jazz album? Color me curious. Their "Anything Goes" is great, but that's one song. This could either be a catastrophe, or really awesome. I'm curious enough to want it either way.

But anyways, Newport Jazz Festival!