July 28th, 2014

[info]eleni_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

Sorority only

I hate to be that person, but could everyone please make sure to clean up after themselves at the house? I just found a whole sink of dirty dishes when I walked in. Things are more likely to get missed with less people in the house over summer.

[info]kaia_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

Anniversary gifts... Is it tacky to just propose on our anniversary? That sounds easy! :p

[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

It's the 100th anniversary of the first world war today. It's interesting to look at how things have changed between then and now. There's so much violence and unhappiness in the world right now. It doesn't feel like we've made much progress. It's rather disappointing, really. I suppose there will always be violence in the world. It feels like it's impossible to ever reach a state of peace.