July 15th, 2014

[info]lsmurphy in [info]shepherd_mesg

Private Message to Jamie Rnott )

Text to: Corina
Text from: Liam
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Friday afternoon Microecon... you have a reprieve, no class. Do not forgot your papers are due Monday, submit them by 3pm.

[info]ed_carmichael in [info]shepherd_mesg

I am excited to announce we'll be doing Much Ado About Nothing for the Shakespeare festival this year. I have received confirmation that they'll be letting us do it in the Quad, so make sure everyone clears their calenders for August 23rd.

Production within the DS has already begun, but we'll be holding auditions this weekend in the Frank Center. Friday from 6pm to 9pm, Saturday 9:30am to 4:30pm, and Sunday 10am to 1pm. Please have a monologue prepared from a Shakespearean play, it does not have to be from Much Ado. Anyone interested in helping with the technical aspects either come to the next DS meeting (Friday at 4pm in the Frank Center, we'll finish up and will be doing auditions straight after),

[info]eleni_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

There is nothing that makes you feel more like a boring adult than having to calm down and explain to your baby sister that running away from home over a small fight with her parents would be ridiculous. I'm not sure I even really understand what it was about. I just promised to take her shopping next time I visit.

Someone remind me I'm not a boring adult!

[info]iliana_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

I love how attitudes shift. I was just called a hot piece of slave ass and then told I should be flattered by his attentions by an ugly entitled Dominari. I wonder if he remembers begging me to go on a date with him last year when we were both Dominaris? Although he did call me names after I turned him down then too. Such a fragile ego.