July 14th, 2014

[info]josieray in [info]shepherd_mesg

Someone convinced me to watch Hemlock Grove, and now I'm having nightmares and I'm not even asleep. How can people watch this stuff and not freak out? Eyeballs should never pop out of skulls. Ever.

I need a night out to recover from this. Time to dance to monsters out of my head. Consider this my spur of the moment open invitation.

And I'm pretty sure I was promised some extra credit work after break was over, Dr. Chapman, yes?

[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

Happy Bastille Day! I spent all weekend preparing food for today! Of course I had to make macarons, and madeleines, and crepes. I wish I had more time, I would have had a lot more prepared, or at least something more complex than cookies. I just don't have the space or the time to cook like I used to back home. They taste good, though! My dad took me to the celebration in Dallas a few years ago, and the macarons are similar to the ones we got there, just not as fancy. I'm afraid I'm going to eat all of them in one day! I need to hide them from myself. I probably shouldn't have made so many of them. I think I'm going to have macarons and madeleines for days. One day I hope I can visit France for the occasion. Or visit France in general. I would love to see Versailles and the Louvre in person!

[info]hayleymc in [info]shepherd_mesg

Private to Xander )

After the highs of the 5th, its hard to come crashing back down to reality with a bang. Swim team, Debate and Science all have competitions and outings coming back which need to be scheduled in between keeping my grades up in class, intern applications, bribing professors for character references, having a social life and finding time to kiss my boyfriend every so often.

When's our next break?