June 18th, 2014

[info]rebgunn in [info]shepherd_mesg

With things being off to a rather slow and rocky start this week, I'm offering extra credit points to any student who attends this weeks Debate Club meeting, and actively participates in discussion. Don't think you can just show up and get credit, I will be watching, and I will be taking notes. Do not bother showing up if you do not feel you can actively participate in a group discussion.

[info]eleni_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

The sorority house feels a little odd during Summer, too empty.

In other news, I can feel a migraine coming on and I appear to have run out of both pain medications and bottled water. I don't suppose anyone out there would be my hero and go fetch some, would they?

[info]kaia_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

Text to Jake )

[Edit:] Text to Hayley )

[Edit 2:] Text to Nathan )

[info]claben in [info]shepherd_mesg

For my Medical Forensics labcoats; cadavers and their case-studies will be assigned to groups of two on Friday, so if you were planning on missing any classes, don't make it that one. I'll go over this now as to not waste time on the big day-

No, you may not name your cadaver.
Inappropriate probing will not be tolerated.
Yes, someone will lose their lunch at some point this term.
No, losing your lunch will not affect your grade- but try not to aim for the cadaver.
-or other students.
-or your professor.
-especially not your professor.

[info]ed_carmichael in [info]shepherd_mesg

Those of you in the Drama Society, our first meeting is going to be this Friday, the 20th, at 4pm in the Costume shop. I know it's short notice, I meant to open the invitation earlier but school and work drug me away. Listed members from last term should have received an email, if you didn't let me know and I will double check the records. If you have any interest in the theatre the DS is always open to new members, both in the Department and outside of it.

We'll be discussing the annual Shakespearean play we put on the second week of August as well as any other side projects people would like to propose.