June 17th, 2014

[info]xpwilson in [info]shepherd_mesg

Always fun watching the post auction scramble. Everyone has to find out if their pet got broken or not. All those sad faces. So touching.

Private to Hayley )

Private to Taylor )

Private to Cameron )

Private to Corina )

[info]eliinal in [info]shepherd_mesg

Private message to Nathan )

Private Message to Jack )

My classes for Friday will be cancelled. I expect you to use your time to work on assigned projects.

[info]ddrogers in [info]shepherd_mesg

Friday night, y'all better get your butts up to my dorm for a costume karaoke lip syncing extravaganza! Flash back 80's/90's party! I better see some big hair and leg warmers, or I'll be disappointed.

Oh, yeah, roomies? Aurelia and the invisible girl Corina? We're having a party on Friday. JSYK

This is my official "if you're going to be a dick, don't come" clause right here, because seriously, I will throw your butt out. I'm stronger than I look, and I can do it. And now, I'll leave you with some inspiring exit music to get you all pumped up for the awesomeness.

[info]jackatkins in [info]shepherd_mesg

Message to Kaia )

OOC: Edited in
Message to Jake )

[info]ambori in [info]shepherd_mesg

Costume for Friday is a total check. I love thrift stores and acid-washed Daisy Dukes. So many neon colored corset tops. I may wear these boots and cowboy hat more often, though.

Who wants to help me Bedazzle shit?

[info]sammansfield in [info]shepherd_mesg

Stink bombs. Cute. Vandalizing school property is an expulsion worthy offense. Just so that the involved parties know what to expect when security tracks you down. Hope you enjoyed it.

Private to Iliana/Lysandra )

Private to Zoe )

[info]blackgin in [info]shepherd_mesg

text to: Josh Franklin
text from: Gina Franklin
you have (2) unread messages )

text to: Alice Baker
text from: Gina Franklin
you have (2) unread messages )

[info]alyson_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

A surprisingly calm first two days after auction releases... I'm hoping that is a sign of better weeks than usual?

[Private to Servitas and Alyson only]

To the girl with the bruises I saw holding her arm close to her chest whilst hovering outside the clinic and then walking away, please come in and let someone look at your injuries? Or send me a message and I will try to come out to you. Don't let whoever happened to you cause more permanent damage because you were too worried to let us help fix it.

This goes for anyone in need of help but too scared to walk into the clinic. We are here to help you and this is all confidential. I promise I will never speak to your Dominari of your injuries or you coming in.

[info]nafran in [info]shepherd_mesg

Moscow was lovely, however I could have been much happier not dealing with my mother's latest circle of friends. I was not planning on spending an extra week touring Prague's 'underground' nightclubs and torture museums. All I could think of was Hostel.

Also, the air conditioner in my dorm stopped working at some point over the last two weeks, and I'd rather not have to wait until the morning for it to be fixed. A little help, please?

[To All Greeks]
Just a quick reminder that summer Rush begins next week. It's informal, but somewhat crucial for a proper Fall crop. Don't forget, the Greek Auction is coming up. Start thinking about whether you'd like to put yourself on the block.