June 14th, 2014

[info]blackgin in [info]shepherd_mesg

text to: Hayley McCormack
text from: Gina Franklin
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text to: Jake Davis
text from: Gina Franklin
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text to: Josh Franklin
text from: Gina Franklin
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[info]jackatkins in [info]shepherd_mesg

[OOC]: Backdated to Friday Afternoon

I wonder how many hard feelings are going to be left over this weekend. Always seems to happen on auction week. So many people have no imagination.

Private to Nathan )

Private to Kaia )

[info]jrnott in [info]shepherd_mesg

It's my first weekend I don't have a paper due, so I have been in my pajamas all day and people, I am about to out myself. I'm sorry, but I'm sure many of you already expected.

I'm a giant nerd. Tumblr and I have been getting reacquainted all day and normally I just laugh, but sometimes things get deep and (in this case a lot gay) I really just love Captain America: Winter Soldier, okay?

A few spoilers for the Winter Soldier, but not bad.

But really though, think about how much everything has changed for him. There are all these jokes in the movie about him being this guy from the 40's but really and GUH. I love Steve Rogers so much!

[info]capalm in [info]shepherd_mesg

Play Ball! )