June 13th, 2014

[info]thalia_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

Neutral backgrounds and bribing him into sitting nicely. )

I'm looking forward to trying to capture San Francisco this weekend!

[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

Text to Connor )

[info]ddrogers in [info]shepherd_mesg

It's Friday the 13th and there's a full moon. It's time to boogey like the Boogey Man and get your superstition on!

Private to Amber )

[info]eliinal in [info]shepherd_mesg

[Filtered to Jack] )

[Filtered to Nathan] )

[Filtered to Jake] )

Managerial Finance students. Course projects will be announced on Monday, skipping class due to any reasons aside from your own death would not be advisable. I also expect increased participation, that is something required as you'll note in the syllabus.

I would also like to note that to whoever hid in my classroom last week, you left behind a pair of dirty unmentionables. They've been burned. And if you return you might be as well.

[info]hayleymc in [info]shepherd_mesg

Text: Garrett Rawlings )

Text: Xander Wilson )

Text: Eliina Luvic )

[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

I'm going to Boston! Do you know how much there is to see in Boston? Oh goodness, I could list off attractions for hours I think! I really want to walk the Freedom Trail, and see all the museums, though I know that's impossible. There are so many! The JFK Library is there! The Boston Tea Party Museum! Of course the Paul Revere house and his statue is there, too, but I think I'd rather see the Make Way for Ducklings statue instead. And Ben Franklin's statue! I'm going to have to organize a list so I can prioritize what I'm going to do.

I wonder if I can manage the aquarium, too.

Oh! I need to pack too!

Edit: Oh my goodness, I got so excited I mentioned the wrong city! I'm going to Baltimore not Boston. I think I got so excited by all the history prospects I started thinking about the wrong place!