May 24th, 2014

[info]solsin in [info]shepherd_mesg

With so many of our students seemingly disgruntled to be returning to campus after break, I will remind you all that the Shepherd Mental Health Clinic will resume normal hours on Tuesday. Please feel free to make an appointment or just drop by. We relish the opportunity to sift through your troubled young minds like an accordion file. If you need to see someone sooner, emergency numbers are posted on the door. Don't listen to those voices in your head telling you not to call.

[info]livialove in [info]shepherd_mesg

I knew that West Virginia was going to be a lot different than Malibu, but I honestly didn't expect it to be so beautiful. There's just so much green out here. I don't think I've ever seen so much green and so many rolling hills in my life. And the air just feels much cleaner and easier to breathe.

I know that any of my fellow former beach residents will probably think me insane, but I don't think I'm going to miss that at all. Granted, I've always loved the sound of the ocean at night, especially when trying to fall asleep, but I don't think I'm going to need that here as much as I did back home.

[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

On this day in history: "Mary Had a Little Lamb" was published, Samuel Morse sent the first telegraph message, and I will officially state that I'm here! A college student! Okay, so that's not really history since it's happening right now, but tomorrow it will be! I was sure I'd suffer from terrible homesickness, but I haven't! Well, I miss my dad, but that's totally different than missing home. It's hard to be homesick when it's so beautiful outside and a brand new adventure awaits! New people, new places, new things to do, it's going to be so much fun!

I've used a lot of exclamation points today, haven't I? Oh well!

[info]rochh in [info]shepherd_mesg

I'll admit I might have been unaware the last year or so with other things on my mind, but was everyone always so bitchy/whiny? Maybe I'm just seeing things differently now and the glow of a perfect vacation is fresh in my mind. On to better things.