May 23rd, 2014

[info]lexie_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

Servitas only

Party. Turner Hall. Saturday night. Yes/yes?

[info]lucyspier in [info]shepherd_mesg

Why the hell does Turner Hall smell like 5 day old fried onions on the 10th floor?

I knew I should have stayed a few days extra and gotten that inking - none of you can cook for shit it seems. And Vic? I'll be needing hours.

[info]iliana_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

I would much rather not be back on campus so soon, but it beat going home and murdering someone. Apparently that sort of behaviour is frowned upon by society.

I don't know whether there are different staff in the coffee shop during the breaks, or it's my mood, but even the coffee seems to be conspiring to piss me off.

Welcome back to Shepherd.

[info]brlau in [info]shepherd_mesg

Let's see if your brains still work. Here is a little game of 'Who said it'. Just three questions while you ponder intoxication over the holiday weekend.

“No matter where you go – there you are.”

Confucius or Buckaroo Bonzai

"Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have."

Confucius or Thomas Edison

“Never give a sword to a man who can’t dance.”

Confucius or Fred Astaire

ETA: Hover for answers.

[info]kaia_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

I'm looking forward to meeting you properly, Shepherd, but why couldn't you be somewhere nearer good beaches?

Speaking of... one of the people we met on break just sent me this picture, and I think I might actually love it!

For the curious. )