April 10th, 2009

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

Community Disclaimer

All publicly recognizable characters and settings in stories, art, crafts and multimedia entries are based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. The original characters and plots, however, are the property of the authors and artists participating in the Severus Big Bang Birthday Bash.

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

Masterlist for Stories

Masterlist of Stories, Sorted by Authors
(scroll down for other sortings)

~A ~
ac1d6urn and sinick: Seeking Skin

aleysiasnape: Surprise

amanitamuscaria: Flight

annietalbot: Rosemary

~B ~
brenamarie: Far Away

~C ~
centaury_squill: A Life in Drabbles

cruisedirector and dementordelta: The Most Private Hotel in England

~D ~
debjunk: If Wishes Were Fishes

dementordelta: see cruisedirector and dementordelta

dickgloucester: Seven Brides for Seven Snapes

duniazade: The Pink Bezoar

~E ~
emerald_dragon8: And Past Was Present – Illustrated fic, imageheavy! -

~I ~
ivylady: Accepting Reality

~J ~
juniperus: Behind Every Good Man – Illustrated fic, imageheavy! -

~K ~
kellychambliss: "My Journal About My Life and Stephen and Miranda" by Adela

kinky_kneazle: Things to Do in Hogwarts When You're Dead

~L ~
literaryspell: Caged Bird Sings

~M ~
machshefa: Reckoning

madeleone: Regrets, Remorse and Resurrection

mary-j-59: All the Beauties of This World

m_mcgonagall_65: Secrets Revealed

~Q ~
queen_of_snapes: Revelations

~R ~
rivertempest: Distortion

rons_pigwidgeon: Beware: Flying Objects

~S ~
savine_snape: Right Beside You

sinick: see ac1d6urn and sinick

skitty_kat: Quite Useless – Illustrated fic, imageheavy! -

snapealina: Polyjuice Mayhem

sunnythirty3: Can't Take My Eyes Off You

sweetmelodykiss: Dawn of a New Day

sylvanawood: Twelve

~T ~
teshara: A Single Day

therealsnape: The rules

timestep: It Began With a Book

tjwritter: Soothe Not Mend

torino10154: Répondez s'il vous plaît

~V ~
valkyriekat: Promises To Keep

vix_spes: Dark Waltz

~W ~
wolfwillow: Birds of a Feather

^^^To the Top^^^

Sorting by Categories Under the Cut )

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

Masterlist for Art and Crafts

Masterlist of Art and Crafts, Sorted by Artists and Artisans
(scroll down for other sortings)

~A ~
accioslash: And One to Grow On...

alienor77310: In Spirit

averygoodun: Come Here

~B ~
beffeysue: see tudorpot, beffeysue, camillo1978

bielol: Severus in Clay

bielol: Severus in Pastels

bielol: Severus Snape a Teacher

~C ~
camillo1978: A Spoonful of Sugar

candygram: A New Lab

cecelle: Sunset - NEW! -

~D ~
dickgloucester: Animagus

dozmuffinxc: A Walking Shadow

droxy: You Are Such a Doll! - Not Work Safe! -

~E ~
Expell-HUN: Raindrops

Expell-HUN: The Heart of Everything

Expell-HUN: One Peaceful Moment

~F ~
ferporcel: Shadowed

~H ~
hedgehog33: The Door and Time Again

~J ~
janus: Diminutive Severus: A Wizard's Adventures With Magicians

juniperus: His Light Shines Brighter in Darkness

juniperus: Dumbledore's Man

~M ~
McKay (scribbulus-ink): Snape Bear

merrymoll: Stewed Screwed and Tattooed

~Q ~

qui-quae-quod: The Wrath of Minerva McGonagall - NEW! -

~S ~
shadowycat: Snape at Work

sigune: A Tragic Love in Seven Pairs of Shoes

sigune: Despair

snapesgirl_62: A Bit of Whimsy

spidermoth: Party Dress - Not Work Safe! -

stardog-art: Keep her safe... Please - NEW! -

~T ~
tinytexans: Lick My Boot

tudorpot, beffeysue, camillo1978: Property of the Half-Blood Prince

~V ~
vividzephyr: Exposed - Not Work Safe! –

vividzephyr: Lost

vizen: Made All by Myself for You, Severus

~X ~
xterm: Portrait of Snape in his first year as a professor

^^^To the Top^^^

Sorting by Categories Under the Cut )

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

Help and Contact Information

If you need help, Contact us

Meet your friendly Mod Squad

Resources for our Participants

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

Spread the Word: Banners and Icons for You

Grab the code of a banner or take an icon and tell your friends about us.

Promo Banners
Promo Icons

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

Who is Brewing?

Many people helped with this fest. Please read the Acknowledgements and our Affiliates and Friends page and join us saying, "Thank You!"

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

What is Brewing?

What is this all about?

Read the Invitation for the Severus Big Bang Birthday Bash or look at the Invitation on Parchment.

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

Prefect Badges

These banners (and there may be icons in the future)are for participants only.

Show your friends what you're doing. Go ahead, brag! ;)

Read more... )

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

The Invitation - on Parchment

Our invitation, written by our scribe [info]torino10154 on parchment, is under the cut.

Read more... )

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

Meet the Moderators

We are your friendly Mod Squad.
You'll find out what we look like under the cut )

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

Resources for Writers and Artists

For Authors:

You can find a beta readers and writers resources at:

Perfect Imagination
The Matrix on OWL - you need to registered on OWL to get access.
Sycophant Hex Forums - accessible for everyone
The Wiktt Archives Guidelines - accessible for everyone. You'll find more links for writers there.
Mrs Muggle's List of Potterwords
Snape Canon Site
The Harry Potter Lexicon

For Artists:

Resources on DeviantArt

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

Help and Contact Information

If you have questions, problems, a complaint or need help in regard to the Severus Big Bang Birthday Bash, please approch a moderator or write to

severusbigbang AT gmail DOT com


sylvanawood AT gmail DOT com

You can also always ask questions in a comment to an existing post.

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

The Sign Ups

Sing ups have started and run from June 1 to June 30, 2009.

The sign up posts can be found here:

For fic:

Writer sign up page

For art and crafts:

Artist and artisan sign up page

For betas and cheerleaders:

Beta and cheerleader sign up page

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

The Rules

These rules apply to everyone: participants, readers, viewers, reviewers.
If we have to add or change something, we will indicate these changes, together with the date these changes were made.

•-Party Rules-•-General Rules-•-Rules for Authors-•-Rules for Artists-•

Party Rules: General Rules: Revised

The previously posted rules mostly referred to sign-ups and entries. But now, as the party begins, the time has come to remind you of the few basic, but firm, rules we've put in place for these communities that apply to everyone:

All participants and readers must be over 18. If you aren't 18 yet and can read this, you lied about your age!

While this fest is rather easy going, there are two strict rules: no shipping wars and no concrit, as well meaning as it might be.

--People like their ships, and this is a multi-ship/gen event. Please be respectful of other people’s tastes. Ship bashing will not be tolerated.

--Concrit can be helpful but only if the author/artist welcomes it and asks for it. A fest like the Birthday Bash is not the right place for it, and we cannot monitor the levels of concrit different authors might invite. Should you read/review content you don't like, then the back button is your best friend.

The review challenge is supposed to make you want to read/view out of your normal comfort zone and to find and appreciate authors and artists from other areas of the fandom. Looking beyond our own little fandom corners can help us interpret characters better and maybe even rethink situations and interpretations we've always taken for granted because they have become strict fanon in our ships/areas of the fandom.

We invite and encourage you to look outside your comfort zone; however, we are aware that this can create potential trouble. Therefore, we would ask you to remain relaxed, even when you see/read something that might not be to your taste. Tastes differ, as do fandom expectations. It doesn't help anyone to attack an author or artist because they like things you don't. They may write the characters you're used to in a very different way, as well. No one's characterisation in fan-fiction is completely correct, by default. Complaining about ooc or unlikely situations, therefore, isn't helpful. If you think you can help writers or artists to improve, then look around for beta-forums and offer your services. If you want to discuss a particular story or image, approach the author or artist privately and ask them if they are willing to discuss it with you. Some will take these discussions to their journals, some will reject the idea, but in any case, the fest is not the right place for it. Most authors and artists work with beta readers and cheerleaders, anyway, and have already gone through a process of concrit and careful editing before submitting their entries. Most of us here are amateurs who are providing your entertainment freely and willingly. Please respect this fact and don't act as an overcritical, pseudo-professional editor.

And if you think you must review every story and piece of art and craft because you want to win the prizes in the review challenge, there are always things that can be commented positively on. Look at the style, characterization, magic used, imagination, plot, originality, technique… and if nothing else helps, remember: the back button is your best friend.

Positively yours,

sylvanawood and the mod squad of the Severus Big Bang Birthday Bash, 8 January 2010

General Rules

1. The Severus Big Bang Birthday Bash revolves around Severus. That means that he is in the center of things; be it fic, art, crafts, music or whatever else it is you create.

2. The preliminary sign ups are from June 1st to June 30th. Help will be provided for all participants, whether you need a beta reader or cheerleader. We will provide a semi-private participants-only environment to give you the freedom to interact and ask detailed questions. If you find that you can’t get your work finished or encounter a massive case of writers/artists' block, you can drop out painlessly.

3. The entries must be new, that means they cannot have been posted elsewhere before. Exceptions are the ‘developing’ of a drabble or short ficlet into a longer story or a quick sketch into a painting.

4. At the sign ups we ask for an indication of what you will write or create. It’s not binding, but helps us estimate how much assistance we need for a certain genre or ship. If you change your mind and want to do something else entirely, just let us know.

5. Gen and all pairings are welcome. Crossovers are welcome; however RPF (real person fic) cannot be accepted. Subject matter and rating are up to the participant.

6. All participants and audience must be 18 years and older. If you aren't 18 yet and can read this, you lied about your age!

7. We don't restrict kinks, but sexual situations have to be restricted to characters 16 years old and older (the age of consent in the UK). Please keep in mind that many archives don’t allow sexual situations for characters under the age of 18. Keep also in mind that you are bound by the laws of your own country if those are more restrictive than our rules.

Changed Rule!
8. We will post all entries on the communities, beginning on January 9, 2010. We ask you not to post your work, or pieces of your work, on your journals or other archives until February 15, 2010 January 20, 2010, to give people time to read and review on the community. After February 15, 2010 January 20, 2010, you are free to post anywhere you wish. Several archives are providing categories for the Severus Big Bang, check them out here: Affiliates and Friends.

9. While this fest is rather easy going, there are two strict rules: no shipping wars and no concrit, as well meaning as it might be.

--People like their ships and this is a multi-ship/gen event. Please be respectful of other people’s tastes. Ship bashing will not be tolerated.

--Concrit can be helpful, but only if the author/artists welcomes it and asks for it. A fest like the Birthday Bash is not the right place for it and we cannot monitor the levels of concrit different authors might welcome. You can sign up as cheerleader or beta reader if you want to help writers or artists with tips, suggestions and concrit if they want it.

Rules for Authors

1. The due date for drafts is October 1st, 2009. That draft helps us to prepare the posting of the stories and should have the approximate length and chapter number. Of course, there can be changes, but the draft should give us a good idea about the finished work. An entry can be a sequel or prequel to other fics, but the Big Bang entry must be able to stand on its own. Stories must be finished, have a closure. This means no ‘to be continued’ in the end. Please see our FAQ for a more comprehensive explanation of what is suitable content for the fest.

2. You are committed to the completion of your piece once you've handed in the first finished draft. The due date for the finished work is November 15, 2009. If you find that you have problems with finishing your draft or with the word count, talk to us. We cannot accept admissions later than that, unless circumstances are truly unforeseeable and unique.

3. We expect fic to be formatted, spell-checked and punctuated for clear reading on LJ and IJ. In particular, dialogue should be punctuated appropriately, canon capitalisation and italicisation of words should be used and paragraphs should be separated by an empty line. British or American punctuation and spelling are both acceptable. We strongly encourage you to use a beta-reader.

4. We reserve the right to return stories that have multiple and/or consistent errors in spelling, punctuation or formatting for re-editing. If this happens, we also reserve the right to both insist that you use a beta-reader and ask for evidence that you have posted fic online before. This is for your and our benefit, so we can support you appropriately. If you are unable to find a beta-reader then let us know and we will endeavour to find someone for you. Check out our resource page, too.

5. We will provide a forum where you can brainstorm with fellow writers, talk to beta readers, get plot advice and find resources.

6. The finished version of your submitted fic should be HTML tagged and ready to post. This means tagging italicised, bold and centered words and including scene dividers where necessary.

7. Please include the words "Bash for Severus" in your sign up post to demonstrate that you have read the rules.

Rules for Artists

1. Fan art and craft contributions: what we want are those pieces for which the submitting artist has done all the work. This means that the artist has started with a blank slate and perhaps a reference (e.g. a pose, character, location) and proceeded to draw, paint, compose or otherwise create every line and place every color with their own hand. For example, if you use a reference image in Photoshop or similar, remove the original layer completely when you've finished and leave your own handiwork! Photo manipulation is acceptable as long as both the model(s) and the photographer(s) have given permission for the image(s) to be used in this way. General guidelines for the use of stock images are given below.

2. The same philosophy applies to music and fan-video. We really welcome submissions in this form but they should be original. Compose your own piece about Snape using traditional or electronic means. You could write and perform a rap or poetry. You could compose a Snape Sonata! Make your own film using, for example, cosplay or animation. Can you top the Potter Puppet Pals? Write and perform your own voice-over and avail yourself of stock music sources if you need to.

3. When copying from an established source (a famous painting, for example) it is considered good etiquette to credit your source. Also, please note that precisely duplicating an existing work by directly tracing or reproducing every single detail so that it is difficult to tell your work from the original isn't very cool, so please try to add your own personal touches and style. Please don't feature screenshots, official artwork from a video game, scans from an art book, a photograph of a famous person or music released by another artist or band.

4. There are thousands of stock images available for use, particularly on sites like DeviantArt. Please follow the instructions for use given by the image provider. For example, make sure the resulting image(s) can be posted on websites other than where the sources were posted. If the image provider specifically says they don't want their image used for fan art or for sexual contexts, respect their wishes. All required credits should be given in the artist's comments about their submission.

5. Traditional and digital imagery, ceramics, crafts, film and music are all encouraged! This community is designed to generate new work, so all art and craft should not have been previously displayed on other archives or online galleries. You are obviously free to archive your work after February 15, 2010.

6. Depiction of sex involving anyone under the age of 16 – the age of consent in the UK – is strictly banned. While trying not to be restrictive, we do reserve the right to return submitted images we deem inappropriate due to their content or flagrant copyright issues. You may edit and resubmit if you wish.

7. Any image or video that draws complaint for which there is any potential legal basis will be removed immediately and questions asked later.

8. Art, craft, film and music participants should email a description of their project including where relevant details of the final number of images or the place where film/music entries will be hosted and in all cases a description of the state of progress to snapeartist AT gmail DAWT com by October 1st 2009. This enables us to develop the final posting format and schedule in parallel with the fanfic. If we don't hear from you by October 1st we will assume you have decided not to participate. If we do hear from you, we assume you are committed to participation. If your plans change dramatically between October 1st and November 15th, please inform us by email.

All final art and craft submissions should be emailed by November 15th, but you can send us your final images/craft photos as early as you like. If you desperately require an extension, you must email the moderators at snapeartist AT gmail DAWT com Please note the dedicated email address for art and craft enquiries. If you do not meet your revised deadline, your image(s) will not be posted to the community.

9. The maximum size for submitted images is 1024 pixels high by 1024 pixels wide. The maximum file size is 1.5MB. JPEG and PNG file formats are acceptable. Images/photos will be displayed on LiveJournal and InsaneJournal with a click-through to a larger version. Images should be emailed to: snapeartist AT gmail DAWT com. Please note the dedicated email address for art and craft submissions.

10. Because of the potential file sizes and the more specialist requirements, we are asking participants to sort out the hosting of film and music files themselves. Fanvids and music should be uploaded to a sharing host and a link provided, along with information on embedding, by emailing snapeartist AT gmail DAWT com by November 15th. We do not take responsibility for the hosting sites or their format requirements.

11. Please include the words "Bash for Severus" in your sign up post to demonstrate that you have read the rules.

Please read our FAQ and/or contact us at anytime for further clarification of the rules.

•-Party Rules-•-General Rules-•-Rules for Authors-•-Rules for Artists-•

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

The Categories and the Timeline


The Bang:

- Drabbles, at least 10x100 words. Can be more.
- Shorter fic from 2,000 to 15,000 words.
- A series of elaborate sketches or one image (traditional or digital).

The Big Bang:

- Serial drabbles, minimum of 25x100 words.
- Longer fic, 15,000 words and up.
- More than one image (traditional or digital), with individual scenes or a series of related scenes.
- Photographs or copies of a piece or series of pieces of a project: ceramics, crafts, film and music are all encouraged!


Preliminary Sign ups from June 1 to June 30, 2009
First Draft due and definite sign ups October 1, 2009
Final Version due November 15, 2009
Posting and celebrations begin January 9, 2010

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang


About the Severus Big Bang Birthday Bash

After Deathly Hallows finally gave us the dates for the parent-generation in the Potterverse, we now know that Severus was born on January 9th, 1960.*

And that means, he turns 50 in 2010!

What better way to celebrate his 50th birthday than by coming together and showing how creative and original the Snape-related part of the fandom is?

A Big Bang Like No Other

We are well aware that a traditional Big Bang in fandom is run differently and that we have deviated quite a bit from the original concept. As far as we’re aware, the first Big Bang was organized in the Drarry fandom. There is a summary about the evolution of Big Bangs on this fanlore wiki site if you want to read more.

We considered renaming the fest since we aren’t offering a writing/illustration exchange, nor are we aiming for a release of sexual tension specifically (although we won’t complain about it), nor do we have a very high word count requirement. We are picturing this event more in the original sense of a big bang: the creation of a new universe. We didn’t rename the community in the end as people were already watching the [info]severusbigbang, and we didn’t want to confuse them.

Thus, we apologize to everyone who came here under the impression that this is a ‘traditional big bang’ where you get an illustration for your fic. It is not. It is a Big Bang like no other. Look around, perhaps you’ll like what you see. If you do, help us generate a universe of creativity with our favourite Bat of the Dungeons at its centre.

*Even though there are rumours that JKR said somewhere his birth year is 1959, we are going with the canon dates.


The Bang:

- Drabbles, at least 10x100 words. Can be more.
- Shorter fic from 2,000 to 15,000 words.
- A series of elaborate sketches or one image (traditional or digital).

The Big Bang:

- Serial drabbles, minimum of 25x100 words.
- Longer fic, 15,000 words and up.
- More than one image (traditional or digital), with individual scenes or a series of related scenes.
- Photographs or copies of a piece or series of pieces of a project: ceramics, crafts, film and music are all encouraged!


Preliminary Sign ups from June 1 to June 30, 2009
First Draft due and definite sign ups October 1, 2009
Final Version due November 15, 2009
Posting and celebrations begin January 9, 2010

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang

Affiliates and Friends

Our affiliates, archives providing a category and our own affiliate banners are here.
Read more... )

[info]severusb4 in [info]severusbigbang


Frequently Asked Questions

Fest users guideGeneral questionsQuestions about the rulesQuestions about the sign ups

- Users guide: How to find things in the fest -

Sylvana's Disclaimer: If, for some reason, your entry is missing, then it’s because sylvanawood's mind resembles chaos and not because your entry isn't good enough or important enough for the fest. We've checked our mails several times, but since we're only human, mistakes happen. If I’ve misplaced your work and it's not on the fest, please comment here or write to us, and we'll hunt your entry down and put it up immediately. This only applies to final entries, not the drafts you sent us, some of which were never followed up with a final version.

Our journals are set for public viewing. If you're over 18, you can read either on insanejournal or livejournal. You don't have to be a member of either to leave a comment. Reviewers who aren't LJ- or IJ- members will show up as anonymous posters. To be able to keep you all apart, please sign your posts with a handle/name or initials.

Artists, artisans and authors: please keep in mind that people review your work on both LJ and IJ. If you want to reply to reviews and aren't a member on both communities, please use the tracking function or check your own threads regularly.

On the masterlists, we’ve given you suggestions on how to find things. But you can also look at the tags, check a tag that interests you and look at what’s posted under that category. We have tags that sort for: participants names, if it is bang or bigbang, art, fic, craft, genres, pairings and if there are warnings to be heeded.

We've put up warnings and made it very easy for you to spot them. If you have any squicks or are triggered by something, it is your own responsibility to actually check the warnings before you read. In the authors' notes and summaries, these warnings are often explained in more detail. Please read these as well before you proceed to the story or art. ~8 January 2010

Up ∆

- General questions -

1. Can I help? How can I help with the big bang?
- Beta readers and cheer leaders will be part of the sign ups. If we need more help, we will announce that separately.

2. Why can't I post?
- Only moderators can post. Everybody else, LJ/IJ member or not, can comment everywhere. The sign ups will be open for everyone by commenting on the sign up posts.

3. What are the rules?
- They tell you what the Big Bang is about and what is acceptable and can be found here.

4. Can I write/draw/craft what I want or will there be prompts?
- Basically everyone can do what they want, within the rules, but there is an open prompt list to give you ideas. These prompts won't be binding, and if something gets produced for one of these prompts, it will not be a gift.

5. Where it says e.g. 10 x 100 word drabbles, does this mean they need to be linked in some way?
- The usual format is to produce a drabble-series story, where the drabbles are linked by plot but the story is written in 100 word sections. However, e.g. 10 drabbles featuring 10 different Snape ships would have an overall theme. Or 10 different characters' POV of Snape. The point is that you have to produce a minimum of 1000 words, strictly in 100 word sections, there is an overall theme, and they will all be posted together.

6. What are the word-count rules for drabbles?
- A drabble should be exactly 100 words. Word count is checked using MS Word or similar, where hyphenated words count as one word. This is fine for words that are normally hyphenated, such as "year-old" or "up-to-date" but please don't use hyphenation as a tool to expand length.

7. What do you mean by "Craft"?
- As well as traditional and digital artwork, there are loads of other media that people use creatively. Ceramics and model-making, jewellery, knitting, embroidery, plushie-making, book-binding to name but a few. If you design and make something Snapey with your own hands this is craft!

8. Where does filk go? Does it count as "fic," and therefore needs to be a whomping big song or set of songs to qualify as a "bang," or does it count as a drabble? (Set of drabbles?) Or something else?
- Filk would go to the short fic, a minimum of 2000 words. That would either mean a collection of songs until you reach the word limit, or you write a short accompanying story around it. You could also write a short filk musical.

9. Where does illustrated fic go? Or gaphic novellas? Fic or art?
- Illustrated fic would go under fiction (more words than pictures). Graphic novellas would go under art (more pictures than words).

10. I understand from the rules posted on the community that the moderators do the posting when the fest is open, but I wasn't sure if fics and art would be posted anonymously or not.
- We won't post anything anonymously. Everything will be posted with name and credits as soon as we can post it. Depending on how many entries we get, this will either be on January 9 or spread out over the week following Severus’ birthday. After that, we ask participants to not post their work on other archives until February 15, to keep a bit of reader/reviewer activity at the Big Bang community.

Up ∆

- Questions about the rules -

1. What do you mean by 'Severus has to be the center of everything'?
- It means that he is in the center of things, be they fic, art, crafts, music or whatever else it is you create for him and about him. While he may have central figures besides him, he cannot be pushed to the sidelines or be an alibi when the work actually focuses on someone else. Don’t hesitate to ask any of us if you aren’t sure about this.

2. Why can't I talk about why my OTP is the best?
- People like their ships and this is a multi-ship/gen event. Please be respectful of other people’s tastes. No one forces you to read/view a ship/genre/kink you don’t like. We’ll make sure that we put up the appropriate information, tagging and warnings with each entry. If you don’t like it, don’t look. In this case, as always, your back button is your best friend. Ship-bashing will not be tolerated, neither among participants, on the help forums, nor among readers and reviewers on the public forums. Keep these things to your private journals, but keep in mind that you might alienate potential fans who come from other ships and check you out. Tolerance is the key. We all have our love/interest/obsession with Severus in common.

3. Why can't I leave constructive criticism?
- Concrit can be helpful, but only if the author/artists welcomes it and asks for it. On large fests and events, it can get awkward and embarrassing and will almost always lead to wank. If you think you can help writers to be better writers, or artists be better artists, sign up as a cheerleader/art beta/plot beta/beta reader and help people who ask for help. Otherwise, be nice, or use the back button.

4. Does "concrit" mean saying anything that isn't glowing? For example, I wrote in a comment how much I liked the artwork with a fic (done by the author), the IC handling of two characters, and the descriptions, but also that "the ending felt a bit abrupt, to me." Is that concrit? The author was offended, and didn't even seem to "hear" the positives.
- Praise or comments don't have to be glowing, focusing on the parts you liked should always be fine. It's difficult with criticism, even if it is mild, though. We cannot make distinctions about whether a certain type of criticism is still inoffensive and another isn't, and so we ask you all to not write any criticism at all, and rather not comment if you really dislike something. We just don't have the resources to deal with disagreements of that kind.

5. I have a question about the rules for crafts. I made a "Beary Potter" teddy bear for a fandom meet-up and always planned to make him a companion Snape. However, "Beary" was made with a pre-made bear and I used premade plastic Harry Potter glasses. So all I did make was the robes, add the scar, and put it all together.
I was thinking of making a companion Snape. But if I'm reading the rules correctly, I probably need to make the stuffed toy, too, right? Or can I use a pre-made stuffed toy as long as I make Snape's robes and hair? It would probably look better if I used a pre-made stuffed toy as a base. And could Snape be holding a pre-made little black plastic cauldron? And can I pose the two together in one picture even though Beary wasn't completely homemade so long as Snape was?
- In terms of the bigbang, remember that you have until November, so you could challenge yourself by trying to make the stuffed toy base. It does push our rules a little bit because we really want to make everything as original as possible, but I do understand where you're coming from.
Hmm. Let me put it this way. If you must use a premade, then make sure you credit the original makers. But take this as a challenge to see if you can make one yourself. :] I think on a personal level you would be a lot prouder with something you'd made right from scratch. Either way you should definitely go ahead with the idea!

6. A related question: how about Barbie dolls? If someone put a nose and wig on a Ken doll and made robes and accessories, for instance?
- This is more problematic because Ken is such a recognisable pop culture symbol. it would be like passing barbie off as hermione. it would be brilliant in terms of what i like to call the lol factor because the irony. but using such a well known doll would present a lot of problems. and that would definitely directly challenge our originality only rule.

7. Does this mean I'd have to make my own music to do a video?
- If you can, that would he brilliant! If not, make sure the music you're using is allowed to be used i.e. stock music or anything unlicensed. Basically, we're going on a blanket avoidance of copyright/royalty issues by asking people to use creative commons/royalty free imagery and music. So you could find some stock music or create your own. Video should also be original in terms of imagery - live action cosplay/animation/etc rather than Warner Bros film clips.

8. Do you know what you're talking about? I've seen so many wonderful videos and photomanips on youtube that use movie images and popular songs. Writing fanfic is copyright infringement after all.
- The arts team consists of artists and musicians, and they are very aware of copyright issues, especially in the arts sector. You only could compare fanfic if you copied large passages of canon and added a few modifications, reshuffled it and presented it as your own. Which would cause as many problems as copyrighted movie and music material. We love vids and photomanips created that way, too, and we know how much effort and creativity goes into making these, but for this fest, we don't want to risk to have entries pulled because of infringement accusations. The choice we had was either no manips/videos at all or to challenge you to create original videos and manips. We chose to go with the challenge.

9. A fic written over the past year, never posted, still in development is fair game for this, yes?
- Absolutely

Up ∆

- Questions about the sign ups -

1. What can I sign up for?
- You can sign up for The Bang or The Big Bang, see our categories:

You can sign up doing fic, art, crafts, beta reading or cheer leading.

2. How will the sign ups work?
- When sign ups start, we will post a template for atists, writers, betas and cheer leaders. You can fill that template and post it as a comment to the sign up post.

3. Is it okay to do two projects?
- It is perfectly all right to do two, or three, or as many as you want, but please sign up for each of your projects in a separate comment. It is easier for us to keep track that way.

4. Can I write/do art with a co-author/co-artist?
- Yes, you can. But in that case, we’d ask you to give us a username and email address for both of you (or all participants if you think about a group project), that way we can invite you all to our help forum.

5. Who will help me when I’m stuck?
- We will invite every participant to a private help forum that was kindly provided by The Masque. There you can ask questions, meet beta readers and cheerleaders, discuss plot points, vent frustrations – you name it.

6. What do you mean, private? Aren’t all forums private in a sense?
- Most forums are only visible to their members, but in most cases anyone can become a member who registers. The private Snape-forum on The Masque, however, is only accessible to participants of the Birthday Bash. We register you and send you the details. You can then log on and are only among other participants, the mods, and the forum admins. Of course you can venture outside and take part in the other discussions of the general forum, too. In fact, we encourage you to look around.

7. I signed up, what happens now?
- First of all: Yay and thanks for signing up! As soon as one of the mods processes your sign up post, you'll get that slightly impersonal reply, 'Welcome to … ' - which is basically the mod code for: this participant is checked, now go register her/him on our help forum. You then get a confirmation mail that also gives you details how to access our help forum on The Masque.
When sylvanawood goes through the sign up list, she registers the new participants on the forum and sends you another confirmation mail that tells you that you now can access the forum.
We don't want to spam you, but since different people do different things with the sign up posts at different times, it can take a few days between sign up and your access to the forum. We try to keep this time short, not longer than three or four days at the most. In the meantime we try to keep
On the help forum, you can meet other people and chat, talk about your projects, make arrangements with beta readers and cheer leaders or people who need your help. If you don't wish to go to the forum, we'll get back to you privately after the sign ups to provide the help you wanted.
If you've signed up more than four days ago and didn't get access to the forum, please write to severusbigbang AT googlemail.com or sylvanawood AT googlemail.com

Up ∆