January 9th, 2011

[info]sinick in [info]severusbigbang

Two Minds

Title: Two Minds
Authors: [info]ac1d6urn and [info]sinick
Rating: Adult
Genre: Pre-slash
Pairing: Severus Snape, Harry Potter
Summary: A lesson in which more than Occlumency is learned.

( Two Minds )

[info]sevspartysocky in [info]severusbigbang


I created a sock account on lj who isn't member nor watches the community. Let's see if it works.

Happy Birthday Severus Snape!

Just the tags need to be set.

[info]savine_snape in [info]severusbigbang

Right Beside You - A Year On

Title: Right Beside You – A Year On.
Author: savine_snape

Beta: sc010f and talesofsnape
Cheerleader: beffeysue

Genre: Romance/Angst • Rating: NC-17 to be safe • Warnings: male/male sex, language
Pairing: SS/HG/BW • Characters: Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, William Weasley, Poppy Pomfrey, OMC.
Word Count: 2,390
Summary: A year on and what is happening in the Snape-Granger-Weasley household?