Apr. 10th, 2015


Accidents Happened

WHO: Lily & Eli
WHERE: A cafe near the high school in Erela
WHAT'S HAPPENING: Accidental power incident
WHEN: 4/11, Saturday, late morning
STATUS: Complete

It was so unexpected ... )

Apr. 5th, 2015


Dress Shopping

WHO: Lily, Open
WHERE: a dress shop in Aslea
WHAT'S HAPPENING: Dress shopping
WHEN: Sunday, April 5

Preparations )

Mar. 27th, 2015



WHO: Lily
WHERE: A deserted stretch of shore near Erela
WHAT'S HAPPENING: Lily reflects on all the things
WHEN: Friday, dusk
RATING: A for angst, N for narrative

It was a narrower path than she'd thought )

Mar. 24th, 2015



WHO: Lily, Katya
WHERE: A restaurant in Aslea
WHAT'S HAPPENING: Forging connections maybe?
WHEN: Tuesday Evening
RATING: Should be low

It never hurt to stay connected )