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5th-Dec-2007 08:27 pm
This is for (A Dear Diary Layout) codes
Layouts: [Baroque - Pink and Grey - Green and White]

Create Theme Layer
Tutorial by [info]carriep63:
Creating a theme layer (using Livejournal new customize journal area)
Tutorials by [info]scotchosur:
Creating a Theme Layer (for InsaneJournal users)

You will have also created a user layer automatically because of the css. In editing theme and user layer place on top instead:

Under Theme
layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "";

With This
layerinfo "type" = "theme";
layerinfo "name" = "Baroque";

Under User
layerinfo "type" = "user";
layerinfo "name" = "Auto-generated Customizations";

With This
layerinfo "type" = "user";
layerinfo "name" = "Baroque";

Believe me, this is a simple way if you redesign your journal a lot with custom layers.

Add these into theme layer

Taken from: Original Source
Mood Icon to Left of Metadata

Taken from: Original Source
Multi-Layer Tags

Note: See all Tags on Sidebar:

The tags verical scroll, just remove this out of Multi-Layer Tags code:
/* Vertical Scroll */
/* Need to shrink the list width to prevent horizontal scrollbar in Firefox. */
/* Note this won't prevent it if your tags are super long, it will only */
/* prevent it from displaying unnecessarily. For the pleasure of IE users */
/* you can also colour any resulting scrollbars as you desire. */
ul.tagList {
width: 70%;
.tagBox {
height: 200px;
overflow: auto;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #ffffff;
scrollbar-base-color: #930000;
scrollbar-face-color: #930000;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #cb7575;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000;
scrollbar-track-color: #930000;

Extracted from [info]babyelefant
To add a custom textbox, just add this into the Multi-Layer Tags code:

After this:

Page::lay_print_custom_paraphernalia() {

Before this:

    var string id      = "";
    var string header  = "";
    var string content = "";

Want to change the title of the textbox, simply replace CustomText with the name you've chosen.

Extracted from [info]babyelefant
To change the position on the sidebar such as tags below the links, just add this into the Theme code:

This is the natural order for this Dear Diary sidebar but to rearrange, simply changing the paraphernalias in the position where you want it. And Save.
8th-Apr-2008 09:23 pm (UTC) - Question.
Greetings. I'm using this layout and I just love it, but for some strange reason, I can't get the tags code to work. I do have a paid account, but every time I paste the information given for the tags code, the browser refuses to save.

I've tried it both on my work computer and my home machine, but still no result. Is there a specific place we're supposed to paste it? Currently I have it at the end of the override coding in the CSS box.

One other thing, the first info box (on the left) and the credit image (Scotchbonnet Design) both cut into the entry box border. Is there a command I'm missing, or something that needs to be tweaked in the stylesheet?

Thanks for the help! And the layout's gorgeous. I love it muchly.
18th-Apr-2008 04:57 am (UTC) - Re: Question.
Sorry about the long wait but RL has me busy as a bee.

Let's see.

I've tried it both on my work computer and my home machine, but still no result. Is there a specific place we're supposed to paste it? Currently I have it at the end of the override coding in the CSS box.

You did create a theme layer? (Just making sure the bases are covered.) Because this post is for functions using a theme layer, not the CSS box. If you need to learn how to create a theme layer, check at the top of my post.

One other thing, the first info box (on the left) and the credit image (Scotchbonnet Design) both cut into the entry box border. Is there a command I'm missing, or something that needs to be tweaked in the stylesheet?

Are you seeing this in FF or IE7? I think I designed it so it looked the same in both, I think it would pass IE6 but it been a while since I had it on my computer so I'm not sure.

If it still a problem post an image and I'll try to help.
18th-Apr-2008 03:51 pm (UTC) - Re: Question.
I figured out the tags issue; your tutorial was very helpful. Thanks for posting it.

And at work I'm currently using IE 6. It's not really noticible unless one looks for it, so I think I can live with it, honestly.
18th-Apr-2008 04:59 am (UTC) - Re: Question.
Thanks for the help! And the layout's gorgeous. I love it muchly.

Oh, thanks. I glad you are enjoying it. :)

Question: where are the tops of sideboxes?
18th-Apr-2008 05:03 pm (UTC) - Re: Question.
I have some shots for you.

Top of the sidebar. (
Bottom of sidebar. (

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