X-Factor #116 Title: X-Factor #116: Homecomings (Marvel Comics, 1995, 23 pages) Creators: Howard Mackie (writer), Steve Epting (pencils) Availability: Out of print.
A couple of months back, timemonkey requested scans of non-Austen Northstar and Polaris meeting. So, in keeping with my "I only bought this because it had Northstar in it" posting tendencies, here's a run-in between Alpha Flight and X-Factor. That's right, you lucky people! You're getting some 90's-era Howard Mackie goodness!
For all that I've complained -- and will continue to complain -- that damn near every writer to come along has an exasperating tendency to confuse reminding us that Northstar likes men with actual character development, Northstar is still way better off than Aurora in the characterization department. Whereas Northstar's been given some positive traits over the years, his sister's defining characteristics always reset to her being two flavors of crazy (boy and batshit) and, if someone was feeling really creative, occasionally bitchy or an abuse victim.
Howard Mackie did not buck the trend, but at least he didn't get overly creative.
Aurora and Wild Child show up in the Weapon X series a few years later. He's uglier than before, and she's a crazy bitch. Oh yeah, and in an abusive relationship with Weapon X's director. *sigh*
Tags: char: aurora/jeanne-marie beaubier, char: havok/alex summers, char: mystique/raven darkholme, char: northstar/jean-paul beaubier, char: puck/eugene judd, char: wildchild/kyle gibney, creator: howard mackie, creator: steve epting, group: alpha flight, group: x-factor, publisher: marvel comics, title: x-factor